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What's worse than a Bike lane-splitting?

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Old 06-23-2004, 08:48 AM
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What's worse than a Bike lane-splitting?

When a Car does it!

I am not against lane-splitting, I just don't do it on my daily commute. See too many of the same people each day and don't want to **** them off

Anyway, on my way to work today and I am moving at a good clip (60-70) in the middle lane of a 3 lane pkwy and coming upon some traffic. I notice something in my periphery (sp?) and look in my left mirror. Some woman in her Grand Am basically in the same lane as me, passing me on the left. I am like, WTF was that?

I get next to her and she refuses to look at me... you know that stare straight ahead crap. Well, I have a chance to get in front of her, I signal and move into the left lane. Before I know it she is was seems like inches from my rear tire. WTF did I do to this person? I proceed to slow down a bit, ignore her and give myself some room while commuting in heavy traffic. That's not good enough for the Bitch and as soon as I know it, she is passing me on the Left! Half the car in the lane, half on the shoulder/grass! She just missed clipping me.

So, I have her plate number and a general idea of the make/model. Would like to figure out her phone number and ask what the problem is

It sucks that some people just have a general dislike for riders. Like I said, I obey most traffic rules with the only exception being speed. Oh well...just need to be on the look out for her in the future.
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Old 06-24-2004, 06:09 AM
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That Guest above was me... phpbb seems to login this one workstation at random....I have the same problem on the YZF600r board.
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Old 06-24-2004, 08:08 AM
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Not green, Goldish color - NY Plate: 944-NYB. The plate # is stuck in my mind. My Wife's Uncle is a detective with the 4th is Suffolk...might have him run the plate
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Old 07-22-2004, 09:21 AM
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LOL...I have to remember that one!
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Old 12-19-2004, 05:01 AM
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Originally Posted by the odd guy";p=&quot
I live in the LA area and we get all kinds of stupid people with cars out here. Neat trick though, aa bateries or automotive wheel bearings with loose ***** (like BMW) bounce when they hit the ground at speed. they bounce but they also stop most of their forward motion. if you score a hit on an ac condensor it gets quite expensive.
How are you able to fish out batteries or bearings while riding? My leathers afford no wiggle-room to fish for pennies/batteries/bearings, and reaching in my tankbag is quite distracting. I usually just get away from any tailgaters/trouble-makers, or pull over somewhere safe (via exit ramp) and let them continue on. Usually it's a different story when I have my gun with me.

Originally Posted by the odd guy";p=&quot
all that said I'm more of a move away and let them be kind of person in practice
Umm, my response was purely hypothetical.
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Old 08-02-2005, 09:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Anonymous";p=&quot
Originally Posted by channidai";p=&quot
someone needs a right foot to the driver side mirror. now that is just bullshit

a point has to be made that you don't **** with bikers on the road. it's our lives you're playing with, not a new bumper and fender
Doing so by taking such physical action as described above would only result in creating a more neagtive view of motorcyclists. It would increase the general public's notion that we're a bunch of outlaws.

Unfortunately, I can not think of an action that would drill this idea into driver's heads. Perhaps a stricter driver's education and testing would be in order, but that costs money, and the government is not really happy to spend money unless it's going to get a large return on that investment.

who cares?
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Old 08-07-2005, 08:06 PM
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well... i'm not really into lane splitting myself...not with the the way the college kids drive around here, and ofcourse better driver training is the best answer but... if a four wheeler thinks that they better watch out for that guy on the bike because they could end up missing a mirror or getting into a confrontation the thats they way it's gonna be. not that they would ever think somthing like that because mrs. soccer mom in her lincoln naviagtor is far too busy catching up with friends on her cell phone.
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Old 08-08-2005, 07:17 AM
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Re: What's worse than a Bike lane-splitting?

There was concern on where to store a small packet of ball bearings??

In a small plastic bag....taped to your upper tripple clamp. Well with in reach....no rummaging through a tank bag.

Pennies bounce well too!

As for having people talk bad about me and my bike.....who cares!! Let'm talk.....as long as I'm alive.

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Old 08-08-2005, 11:41 AM
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Sorry, that "Guest" reply was mine. I wasn't logged in even after logging in...

My problem with this is while you will get away with throwing pennies at some idiot cager, the next time that cager sees another biker (say, me), he'll automatically assume we are all one and the same and should be treated as such.

If you're gonna throw things at the cager, at least make it bullets and don't miss. :P
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Old 08-08-2005, 09:52 PM
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Re: What's worse than a Bike lane-splitting?

People seem to think its ok lately to do this type of **** to motorcyclist. Recently when I was headed home on a 2 lane highway ,this dumbass teenager decides to pass me on the shoulder and as he's passing flips me off cause apparently I was being rude by not driving fast enough for him. So I followed him home and confronted him and his father in their driveway. After the kids dad heard the story he debated it with his son and then tells me , well I know my son does'nt drive like that. I was like "are you stupid" . About that time a chambers county cop shows up because the kids mom called them, He asked me to wait by his car and tells me that He knows what the cituation is, shocked and curious because his tone was polite I walked over to his car. Then he preceeds to tell the father that someone that was behind his son on the road reported seeing his sons truck passing a motorcycle on the shoulder in a no passing zone, just before a curve and thought that he may have run me over. He told the father that they were gonna take a statement from me and if it was what was reported to be true they were gonna take the kids liscense imediately. Talk about luck. Turns out it was the kids neighbor who reported him and the kid is gonna loose his liscense and I have to appear in court for it all. weird stuff
Kids like this don't realize that I do carry a 357 or a 45 on occation and I will use it if I feel my life is in danger. He's lucky he only lost his liscense,

Furthermore if they feel like bikers are so bad then let'em think it cause then maybe they'll leave us alone.
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Old 08-08-2005, 10:39 PM
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Re: What's worse than a Bike lane-splitting?

Speaking of agressive drivers.
I forget where I saw this, and couldn't find it again, but I had saved the dramatic pictures.
This guy on his shawk got rear ended by a truck and pushed what looks like about 25 yards.
Maybe someone here knows him?

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Old 12-01-2005, 08:33 PM
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damn i remember this chick doing that to me in NY when i had my cbr f1 and all i say is i am glad i had steel tip boots on when i kisked the crap out of her door for doing it not once but twice. Right on Hempstead Trpk by Nassau Coll and Hofstra.

Now down here in Miami people dont give a s..... I have been almost run over several times and i been following the rules of the road not speeding or anything.
Just recently i had this *** in a jag. I was changing lanes and i saw him way behind doing about 60 in a 35. I changed into the lane and next thing he is on my ***. Then he speeds up and i kid you not i am looking at that damn hood ornament and saying WTF!!!!! he could care less that its a 2 lane road and im in the right lane and another car in the left lane he is pushing me off the road. I speed up thinking i will put some space and he then speeds up too. I get to a light and he is yelling and screaming i pull up on him and had a few choise words he got real beligerant and tried to knock me off the bike. I got in front of him and pinned him in. Until i passed the cops that mess with everyone and they pulled him over.....I stopped and told them(motorcycle cops) what he did and i think they made his day some.

Karma is a bitch
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Old 06-08-2006, 05:11 PM
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TEX.. (applause) well played...

icon ti gloves seem to have this ability to pass right through driver's and passenger's windows quite nicely, without any nasty cuts or scrapes.. and leave quite a bruise on cheekbones and foreheads.... i hear
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Old 06-08-2006, 05:37 PM
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I had a kid in a hopped up WRX almost take me out while thinking he was up for a role in "The Fast and the Furious" or something. He thought I wanted to race, I guess, just because I passed him in the center lane (he was in the right lane). I hear him downshift and he swirves across my lane behind me, missing my back tire by maybe a foot at most.....and this in the middle of a sweeping right hand turn....

Couldn't do much about it because as mentioned by others, it would have been an accident for him and serious injury (if not death) for me. I was thinking of getting one of those collapsable metal batons and velcro it to the top of the front fairing below the throttle. Would have made my day to smash his f'ing windows at the next light......at least it's fun to imagine....

And WHAT'S UP with people in cars anyway???? Have they EVER beat a bike in a race???????????? Makes me laugh that they even TRY!!
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Old 06-08-2006, 06:01 PM
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ok, a chick wanted me to take her for a ride on the superhawk the othr day so i was like sure. we are riding out of my apartment complex and come to a round-about and a blue ford explorer coming in from the right, runs the stop sign and turns THE WRONG WAY onto the round-about just as i start moving. after taking evasive action i give him the middle digit.

he slams on brakes, rolls down his window and starts cussing at me, like i did something wrong. i told him he ran a g-d stop sign and turned the wrong f-ing way on the round-about and he starts yelling at me to "get a life", then calls my passenger a bitch and for her to "get a life too". i was about to get off the bike and show him what some carbon knuckles felt like, but he drove off right when i was telling my passenger to get off.

we then rode for about an hour had a good day. then got asked a ton of questions why i got mad at the guy. so i explained to her that people either don't pay attention or care about motorcyclists, and with me having a passenger made it worse because if she would have gotten hurt, i would have felt terrible.
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Old 06-30-2006, 06:52 PM
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I'm gonna read this thread the next time I need the fire to go kick someone's ***. In 4 years I haven't had anything happen to me like from any of these stories... mmmm I'm heated.
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Old 07-05-2006, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Scooberhawk
I'm gonna read this thread the next time I need the fire to go kick someone's ***. In 4 years I haven't had anything happen to me like from any of these stories... mmmm I'm heated.
I hear that Scooberhawk. Just hearing these stories gets me fired up!!!
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Old 07-28-2006, 10:44 AM
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**** like that happens to me all the time here in Phoenix. Problem is, people have gotten their asses shot for pissing off the wrong driver. Some ***** broke my nose because I called him out for trying to run me over while I was WALKING to my bike.

So, whenever some *** nearly kills me, I take a few deep breaths, remind myself that I didn't die, and do my best to keep moving. Would hate to end up shot, which happens with unnerving frequency in Phoenix.
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Old 07-28-2006, 11:00 AM
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Good advice. No sense getting yourself killed over something that ALMOST happened....now if a driver actually causes an unexpected dismount, it gets a little more difficult to walk away from, probably literally.
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Old 07-28-2006, 01:52 PM
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The morrale. . .

The morrale of the story is that you are always in more danger on a bike than the ***** in the car. . .best to be sneeky. Follow them and remove all the stems from thier tires when they aren't looking. that's what that little stem tool on motorcycle wheels is really for any way.
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Old 07-28-2006, 04:06 PM
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Originally Posted by thegreep
The morrale of the story is that you are always in more danger on a bike than the ***** in the car. . .best to be sneeky. Follow them and remove all the stems from thier tires when they aren't looking. that's what that little stem tool on motorcycle wheels is really for any way.

LOL !!!!
Wonderful idea
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Old 10-03-2006, 02:09 AM
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I remember being at an intersection indicating to turn right... and BANG... my head gets knocked forward into the fairing and me saying... frack... then turning to look up I see this 50 tonn 18 wheeler Kwnworth Truck in full lock tryin to stop... Thats when I realised I had been hit from behind into oncoming traffic..

The truck stopped and I was able to back track the bike quick enough as well... I don't smoke but man I needed oneafter that... The lady that hit me... her excuse was "I didn't see him.."

Speaking of no seeing I have a friend who use to be a cop and some the accidents he has been to... one where a lady hit a fully laidentruck and trailer unit... "I didn't see it.." my friend answered... l"Lady how the frack did you not see a fracking 18 wheeler truck and trailer... just how the frack didn't you see it??????"
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