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Old 06-01-2007, 07:26 PM
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Angry Has anyone seen my nut$!?!?

Well I did my 3rd and 4th track days since my crash and I was just wondering if anyone found my confidence anywhere? I did a race school Feb. to get my race license and was riding well until I passed a guy on a straight and took my eyes off the track to make sure he wasn't going to do something stupid. Well that was stupid on my part, distracted just enough to go into the corner to hot and visited the gravel pit! Then my riding buddy highsided literally right in front of me so I couldn't take the test which was a bummer but he's ok and we went back to our favorite track (JenningsGP) last weekend. It's funny I worked sooo hard to get under the 1:30 mark gaining confidence, smoothness and passing ability, just to have one misshap take it all away. I'm not slow by most standards and I'm still on the faster side of INT. class but my first time back I was about 15 -20 sec off my pace! This time I brought it down to about 5 sec off pace but I just don't have my head back in it yet. As I got faster through the years passing became easy, almost more of a 2nd thought or a reaction then a plan. Now when I come up to slower traffic I'm searching for the pass and lose all momentum while others blow by me and the rider in front of me.

I know I'll eventually regain my form but it's VERY frustrating starting over and being so slow compared to where I was. It certainly gives me even more respect for those who get paid to do what I love, to have the ability to crash and then just push it out of their minds and go just as fast or faster then before......I wish I knew how they do it.
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Old 06-01-2007, 07:43 PM
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Take it easy man. It took me forever to regain any semblance of speed after a big crash on my Superhawk. The crash is ALWAYS on my mind whenever I encounter the same turn at the same track.

What helped me was to focus on smoothness. I didn't try to push myself, nor play tag with my buddies when they would come rolling by. Smoothness = speed = confidence.
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Old 06-01-2007, 07:51 PM
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Yeah I know......I'm all about the smoothness! I even mount my lap timer on the rear cowl so I can't see it and push too hard. The worst part is I know where I'm leaving that 5sec. but I just can't clear my head enough to just ride and not think. Like I said I know it'll come, I'm just my toughest critic and feel like a puss!!
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Old 06-02-2007, 04:34 AM
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I'm still trying to get back to the rider I was before my wreck too. I was very surprised that it didn't come back sooner. Now I am just trying to put as many miles on in the twisties as possible. (As opposed to a normal summer when I just try to put as many miles on in the twisties as possible )

My older friends tell me it will come when it is supposed to. Good luck bro.
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Old 06-02-2007, 08:10 AM
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What amazes me is the AMA pro riders, who have a bad get-off and break a bone or two, and are back out being competitive the next day. I'm pretty sure it would take me a lot longer than that to get my head back in it.

On a happier note, I'm in Cent. Fla and have been hearing about Jennings from some of the people I ride with. What groups do track days up there? I'm not looking for a race school, just wanna be a better rider, and test myself a bit.
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Old 06-02-2007, 10:40 AM
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I appreciate the comments guys - I thought it was just me. After this jerk jumped in front of me in February, I cannot quit seeing morons just like him at every intersection. More seasoned riders around me have told me the same thing - it takes time. Now that I've got the Superhawk back on the road my confidence is better but I've still got a way to go.
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Old 06-02-2007, 02:24 PM
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My wreck @ a trackday last July bugged me because really didn't think I was going to crash. Next thing I know, I'm sliding along next to the bike.

More sobering was a pair of near crashes while running in th mountains last Fall. I realized that if I'd gone down either time that my body would have hit the guardrail.

The one time I was just going too fast on a really tight road. No problem... just slow down a little. The other was on a more open mountain road... hit a big patch of gray sand (almost invisible) in a curve @ about 70mph. I was not going too fast in this instance... just one of those things.

Anyway I was leaned over & the front tucked in the sand & I was definitely going down... all I could see was the guardrail ahead. Suddenly the front hooked back up & the bars seemed like they went almost lock-to-lock at least a dozen times. I swear I have no idea how I held on & finished off the curve... especially with my newly healed broken wrist (trackday crash). I thought it was going to rip my shoulders off! But the tankslapper eventually oscillated itself out. I was shocked and amazed to still be on 2 wheels!

Anyway since then my survival instincts have kicked in. I still like to run pretty quick on a good road, but I'm definitely more concerned about road debris, etc. I may be going a bit slower.
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Old 06-02-2007, 03:02 PM
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That's it! Even when you do everything right - things can go wrong. There's so much construction going on in Austin even on roads you know - every day know - can't be trusted. 05xman went down this spring and the cagers drove around him to get to the intersection ahead. **** in the road is a serious issue. There's been some sort of collision down from the nursery - sand everywhere - even after the rains and it's been there for two or three weeks! I pay a hundred bucks a month in what COA calls street and drainage fees. You cannot get out of the groove and stay up - it's that thick. They're hoping traffic will grind it up before they have to send a crew out with dump trucks and a loader to sweep it up and haul it to an approved dump site.

The exact location of the spill is San Felipe & McNeil.
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Old 06-04-2007, 01:47 AM
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Dude I'm going through the same thing. After having mended up and getting my Superhawk rideable again, I've really lost a lot of my confidence as well. This is brutal and I didn't think it would happen... today I went up to the Rock Store, up Mullholland, with a bunch of friends and acquaintances, and rode like a scared little girl. Not sure if it's the bike or me.... Sucks!
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Old 06-04-2007, 08:58 AM
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I still baby it through the canyons. Crashing at the track makes me realize how much worse crashing in the canyons can get.

Just take it easy on the streets man. Let it all hang out at the track.
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:33 AM
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My buddy hit me going through an intersection. He thought we were turning left, I was going straight. He T-boned me and we both went down. No real injuries but he broke my right side peg and holder off with his front wheel. After repairs were complete, I thought the front end was damaged because every corner felt like it was going to wash out. Jumped on a friends bike and sure enough same problem. Took a while but I got over it. I agree with getting out on the track and letting your instincts take over. Concentrate on your lines and the speed will come back. Turn the lap timer off for a whole session.
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:48 AM
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Originally Posted by marmaladeboy
I still baby it through the canyons. Crashing at the track makes me realize how much worse crashing in the canyons can get.

Just take it easy on the streets man. Let it all hang out at the track.
Thanks, you're right. It's just weird because in the past when I've been up in the canyons, I tend to be more of a leader than follower, but yesterday I just went to near the back of the group and struggled a bit. I guess it will just take time, and more riding.

Also, that was my first time in the canyons since I've been doing track days, so of course it was a little sketchy feeling from the git-go. It didn't help matters either when my friend in front of me almost got taken out by a deer...
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Old 06-04-2007, 01:47 PM
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Crazy kamikaze deer! I hate those suckers. Had a few run in front of me over on East Fork near Azusa Highway / San Gabriel Canyon Road.
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Old 06-04-2007, 03:04 PM
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Here's a crazy thought....
Don't sweat it!

I believe it was Chris Chambliss who said about baseball: "If you aren't having fun, you are missing the point."

I learned loooong ago, that I am not, and never will be as fast as many other aggressive sport riders. That said, I ride plenty quick enough to have fun and get the thrill.

My theory goes like this:

You can have 90% of the fun (insert "lap time") at about 75% of the risk.
That last 10% is what eats up the remaining 25% left in reserve.

I would LOVE to be as fast as some of the guys I ride with, at Deal's Gap, a few other twisty off-the-beaten-path roads, and the few track days I have done.
But, I am not.

So, I do my thing and have fun.
It ain't a race (for me) so I avoid being tempted to treat it like one.

Ah heck - you're a grown man and don't need my advice. Just do your own thing and don't sweat it.

You'd never catch Mladin anyways
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Old 06-05-2007, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by marmaladeboy
Crazy kamikaze deer! I hate those suckers. Had a few run in front of me over on East Fork near Azusa Highway / San Gabriel Canyon Road.
Yeah it was a close call, he has one of those new Duc Sport 1000's, it'd be a shame to see it all rashed up. He never saw it coming until it past right under his headlight!
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Old 06-05-2007, 03:42 PM
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Animals with hooves should have curfew! I lost a friend of friends. He drove through the ribcage of a moose at about 90mph after leaving the bar. They couldn't sort out which was which so they just buried the whole pile.

I was driving the parents as a teen through Colorado or Wyoming and all I saw was what looked like bats moving from left to right in front of the car. Both of them were asleep and I got a little loose and rocked the car back and forth. It sounded like I was running over large gravel. Felt like it too. Woke the old man up but we were good on the gauges so we continued on. When we got to the next gas stop - all sorts of **** down the sides of the car and I asked the attendant what would do that kind of damage. Baby antelope running in huge packs - 50 to 150 at a time - I about barfed. Paid the extra five bucks for a really good wash (remember this is circa 1968) - fender well and rock panel blast and went on our way. I cannot imagine such an encounter on a bike.
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Old 06-05-2007, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by bluevtr
On a happier note, I'm in Cent. Fla and have been hearing about Jennings from some of the people I ride with. What groups do track days up there? I'm not looking for a race school, just wanna be a better rider, and test myself a bit.
STT,(sportbiketracktime), does days there and I think NESBA does some but you can just sign up for a Jennings run track day if you want. For Novice and first timers there's a mandatory lead follow to show the line and to learn the correct way to pit in and out. They even started doing a little class room session as well and the control riders are very helpful and will bring you around the track at your own pace one on one. All the people there are usually willing to give advice and pointers on the best way around the track and it is a really friendly atmosphere,(with the rare asshat from time to time). I hope to go again in July but we'll see how the money is when I get closer to going, if you ever want to hook up let me know.
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Old 06-05-2007, 04:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Brian A
Here's a crazy thought....
Don't sweat it!

I believe it was Chris Chambliss who said about baseball: "If you aren't having fun, you are missing the point."

I learned loooong ago, that I am not, and never will be as fast as many other aggressive sport riders. That said, I ride plenty quick enough to have fun and get the thrill.

My theory goes like this:

You can have 90% of the fun (insert "lap time") at about 75% of the risk.
That last 10% is what eats up the remaining 25% left in reserve.

I would LOVE to be as fast as some of the guys I ride with, at Deal's Gap, a few other twisty off-the-beaten-path roads, and the few track days I have done.
But, I am not.

So, I do my thing and have fun.
It ain't a race (for me) so I avoid being tempted to treat it like one.

Ah heck - you're a grown man and don't need my advice. Just do your own thing and don't sweat it.

You'd never catch Mladin anyways
Don't get me wrong Brian, I still have a blast doing track days and the only person I race is myself. The lap timer is mounted on the rear of the bike so I can't even see it and I could care less about being passed,(I'll try to learn from someone who passes me but I won't get caught up trying to stay with them). I don't even put the timer on until I feel comfortable which is usually the 2nd or 3rd session. I'm just the type of person that enjoys the challenge,(I've got a new challange now!) and the joy of improvement and to me that's be smooth and getting faster! This was really meant to be more of a release than a call for help but I enjoy seeing other peoples opinions on the matter. Like I said it's just frustrating to work hard to improve and then have to start all over again. It'll come back in time, I just need to work on focus more than anything and not worry about what the other guy is doing.
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