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Old 08-09-2009, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Redone
Agreed. And all I'm saying is that this particular report wasn't just theoretical planning. Friendly question, honest. Did you read the Truly quote?
Yep, and just like a high school teacher, a geologist, and a meteorologist, an admiral has no time travel device to tell us the honest truth of what is going to happen.
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Old 08-09-2009, 03:42 PM
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The US military "prepares" for everything, as well they should. They spent 40 years planning for the Soviets coming through the Fulda Gap to invade Europe. They planned to meet a Soviet/ChiCom/Cuban invasion through Mexico. Now they're planning to protect the assets of the Rockefeller's, Rothchild's and the House of Saud if the turd world is destabilized by "global warming". Doesn't mean it's gonna happen. Doesn't mean they BELIEVE it's gonna happen. It's their job to plan for every possibility.

And what if this tiny portion of the human race called "America" stops producing CO2 while 1.3 billion Indians and 1.4 billion Chinese Communists keep pumping it out? Should we draft Redone and 25 or 40 million others and go teach them a lesson? How would we pay for it? With windmills and solar panels? Breeze powered beanie copters?
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Old 08-09-2009, 03:55 PM
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Originally Posted by RK1
And what if this tiny portion of the human race called "America" stops producing CO2 while 1.3 billion Indians and 1.4 billion Chinese Communists keep pumping it out?
Completely agree with you here. That won't work. China seems to get it that global warming will not be good for business. 90+ % of Indian citizens support government action on this, and they have a pretty good democracy.

We'll all see whether that translates to real cooperation at the global climate meeting at the end of the year.

But my main point in posting here was to discuss science, not politics. There's a lot of nonsense out there on both sides, from "we're all gonna die" to "we're not warming". From Greenpeace to Bob Carter. I just want to support the scientific community, since I used to be one (not a climatologist). To show people the data. That's not to say that everything is settled, or that there aren't real issues about exactly what to do about it.

Last edited by Redone; 08-09-2009 at 04:03 PM.
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Old 08-09-2009, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Redone
We'll all see whether that translates to real cooperation at the global climate meeting at the end of the year.
China made it quite clear at the last summit that they don't give a damn.
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Old 08-09-2009, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Redone
Completely agree with you here. That won't work. China seems to get it that global warming will not be good for business. 90+ % of Indian citizens support government action on this, and they have a pretty good democracy.

We'll all see whether that translates to real cooperation at the global climate meeting at the end of the year.

But my main point in posting here was to discuss science, not politics. There's a lot of nonsense out there on both sides, from "we're all gonna die" to "we're not warming". From Greenpeace to Bob Carter. That's not to say that everything is settled, or that there aren't real issues about what to do about it.

Neither the Indians or the ChiCom have anything but contempt for anything resembling Kyoto. It makes no sense for us or the Euros to sign on unless and until they do. You say Bob Carter is an "embarrassment", what about the other world class, world recognized scientist he mentioned. Are they an "embarrassment" too?

Have you noticed that any half *** scientist who kneels down and sucks on the 'global warming' theory gets goobermint funding and praise in the NYT while world class and world recognized "skeptics" get jack ****? What's up with that?

What do you think about Al Gore's world wide private jet excursions with an SUV motorcade, V8 engines running, AC on high, waiting for His Environmental Majesty on the tarmac?
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Old 08-09-2009, 04:22 PM
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Barak Obama, who cares oh so deeply about "climate change", uses Air Force One to fly his wife and kids to Paris France for lunch. Serfs like me are supposed to trade in our F150s for a Prius Hybrid? Try buying a f*cking clue.

Last edited by RK1; 08-09-2009 at 04:26 PM.
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Old 08-09-2009, 04:49 PM
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Originally Posted by RK1
Here's my bottom line on the whole thing;

As long as you "environmentalists" say nothing about our open southern border, accept millions of 5th grade drop out welfare ready "immigrants" every year, bringing their corrupt and dysfunctional culture and social pathologies with them;

I'll warm up my F150 4X4 for 20 minutes before I pull out of the drive way. I'll leave all the lights on all the time. I'll water my lawn every G*ddamn day. I'll put the heat on 78 in the winter and the AC on 65 in the summer. I'll take 30 minute showers every day. I'll stock up on a lifetime supply of incandescent light bulb to spite your sorry asses.

How do you like that?
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Old 08-09-2009, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by RK1
The US military "prepares" for everything, as well they should. They spent 40 years planning for the Soviets coming through the Fulda Gap to invade Europe. They planned to meet a Soviet/ChiCom/Cuban invasion through Mexico. Now they're planning to protect the assets of the Rockefeller's, Rothchild's and the House of Saud if the turd world is destabilized by "global warming". Doesn't mean it's gonna happen. Doesn't mean they BELIEVE it's gonna happen. It's their job to plan for every possibility.

And what if this tiny portion of the human race called "America" stops producing CO2 while 1.3 billion Indians and 1.4 billion Chinese Communists keep pumping it out? Should we draft Redone and 25 or 40 million others and go teach them a lesson? How would we pay for it? With windmills and solar panels? Breeze powered beanie copters?
It is not in any way the military's job to prepare for everything, otherwise why bother collecting data? They have a finite amount of resources, which they are realizing more and more as these wars drag on. They have the ability to prepare for many things because of how much of the budget goes to defense funding, but they can't prepare for every possible eventuality. It's simply not possible to do so.

The point of them collecting all this data is so that they can prepare for circumstances that are MORE LIKELY than others. And what they're talking about in the article is not a "what if global warming happens" scenario. They are talking about the actual climate change effects they EXPECT to see based on the data they have. Go back and read it again. They are not debating a damn thing about climate change. Their data says it's happening and they are preparing for the direct effects of that on national security. Melting ice = new lanes of travel that must be defended/monitored, drought = famine = mass migration = border security problems, and so on. They are not debating whether or not the climactic events will occur - that is a forgone conclusion for them. They are planning how to respond to the security challenges that these climactic events will cause.

And RK1, you're contradicting yourself when you mention the huge populations of China/India compared to the states. On the one hand, you talk about how our population is too small to mean anything when it comes to emissions, but on the other hand you argue that all the illegal immigrants coming in to our country are going to mean something when it comes to emissions. Even if a hundred million more showed up we'd still be dwarfed by China or India. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either America (illegals included) is a "tiny portion of the human race" or it ain't. Which is it?

And anyways, saying we're not going to stop shitting where we eat because those other guys won't stop is as dumb as it gets, in my view. Being the first among developed nations to seriously cut back C02 emissions isn't showing some kind of weakness or stupidity - it's showing the courage and foresight to lead. Leaders don't look at everyone else around them and say, "well if they aren't doing it, then neither am I." And no, we won't have to send any soldiers to enforce our views on anyone - look where that's gotten us recently. We can lead as we've done in the past: by setting an example that inspires the rest of the world to follow.

That definitely applies to technology. Look at the car, an invention which came of age in America. The world raced to utilize this technology not because we forced it down their throats at gunpoint, but because it was obviously useful. The same will go for any improvements and innovations we make in the green tech field. If it's good, people around the world will want it, and they'll be willing to pay for it. Sounds a hell of a lot better than just grabbing all the oil we can and holing up in our bunkers.
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Old 08-09-2009, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by RK1
Nah. you completely miss the point. I'm talking about two different things:

1) What you claim you care about.

2) What I care about.

What you claim to care about;

America's contribution to worldwide atmospheric CO2

Which country would produce more CO2? An America with a homogeneous, middle class, self limiting, stable population of 210 million?

Or a polyglot country of 400+ million, a 100 million strong permanent underclass having 4-6 welfare subsidized babies per fertile woman? On its way to 600 million? 800 million? You tell me.

For me? I don't give a crap about India or China. I don't believe in CO2 caused "global warming" so if India and Communist China want to choke to death on their own ****, I don't care. I care about my people, culture and country. A self sufficient country of 210 million Americans who really were heart and soul Americans would suit me fine.

How many welfare subsidized baby hatching "immigrants" do you "environmentalists" want here? 600 million? 800 million? A billion? That's a real question. Can you answer a real question? How many welfare subsidized fifth grade drop out unskilled energy consumers do want us to accept? What percentage of your personal income will you contribute to subsidize third world poverty, dysfunction, crime and corruption. That's a real question. What percentage? Name it. Are you capable, do you have the integrity to quit the pie in the sky bullshit and actually answer a question? How many? How much?

How many Americans are you willing to see raped, murdered and run over by drunk illegals so you can brag about how "progressive? and not "racist" you are? How Many? Give me a number!
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Old 08-12-2009, 10:14 AM
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Come on guys, if you're gonna let this thread die, you have to start something else. Maybe we can talk about drowning polar bears or something.

RK1, You're pissing into the wind. The environmentalists aren't saying illegal immigration here doesn't contribute, they're saying there's bigger fish to fry with other 3rd world countries. You're also assuming that they wouldn't breed like rabbits if we had good border policy, which is at best only partially true.

And then you're saying you don't think it's contributing to climate change. So it seems like you're asking people to subscribe to your cause for reasons you yourself don't even agree with?

Anyhow, drive safe and watch for roadkill!

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Old 08-12-2009, 10:46 AM
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Sorry I haven't posted on this thread lately. I've been too busy bludgeoning Harp Seals.
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Old 08-12-2009, 10:46 AM
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On a side note, the ICE is good:

I am heading out of town tomorrow so won't be responding for a while. But perhaps some of these links can stir up some more conversation.
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Old 08-12-2009, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by VTRsurfer
Sorry I haven't posted on this thread lately. I've been too busy bludgeoning Harp Seals.
Butter fried baby seal on whole wheat with lettuce, tomato and pepper jack cheese. A side of B&M Baked Beans. Yummy!
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Old 08-12-2009, 02:32 PM
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Originally Posted by CentralCoaster
Come on guys, if you're gonna let this thread die, you have to start something else. Maybe we can talk about drowning polar bears or something.

RK1, You're pissing into the wind. The environmentalists aren't saying illegal immigration here doesn't contribute, they're saying there's bigger fish to fry with other 3rd world countries. You're also assuming that they wouldn't breed like rabbits if we had good border policy, which is at best only partially true.

And then you're saying you don't think it's contributing to climate change. So it seems like you're asking people to subscribe to your cause for reasons you yourself don't even agree with?

Anyhow, drive safe and watch for roadkill!

My opinion about CO2/man made "global warming" would be utterly beside the point to any real environmentalist, even if they believed in man cause global warming.

They would have no reason whatever to object to anything I've said, claimed or advocated.

But for massive third world immigration, our population would have stabilized a bit over 200 million. We currently have over 300 million. Projected to exceed 400 million within a generation.

Forget about CO2 for a minute.

How much forest must be leveled to provide housing for 200 million more people? How much oil must be pumped, refined and burned to provide transportation? How many rivers dammed for reservoirs and water supply?

How much more coal burned to provide the electricity? How many more plastic bags and bottles?

Back to CO2;

Which society will produce more CO2? The one with 200 million people or the one with 400 million and growing exponentially?

Thirty years ago the environmental movement cared about such questions, realized even if you hoped to "save the planet" you had to start with yourself/family/neighborhood/city/state /country. If you don't have the moral courage to save your own people/culture/country, what friggin' use are you to "the planet"?

The movement has been co-opted, purchased and corrupted by the elite's World Wide Church of Climate Change. It's about money, power and control of ordinary people. People who say otherwise are either fools or liars.

Last edited by RK1; 08-12-2009 at 02:35 PM.
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Old 08-12-2009, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by RK1
Which society will produce more CO2? The one with 200 million people or the one with 400 million and growing exponentially?
The Pope needs to get clue and tell people it's NOT ok to not to breed like rabbits.

Last edited by Moto Man; 08-13-2009 at 09:33 AM.
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Old 08-12-2009, 06:03 PM
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VTRsurfer at work...

Tsk Tsk
Attached Thumbnails Why manmade CO2 is the important bit-seal-1.jpg   Why manmade CO2 is the important bit-seal2.jpg   Why manmade CO2 is the important bit-seal3.jpg  
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Old 08-12-2009, 06:53 PM
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Originally Posted by RK1
How much forest must be leveled to provide housing for 200 million more people? How much oil must be pumped, refined and burned to provide transportation? How many rivers dammed for reservoirs and water supply?

How much more coal burned to provide the electricity? How many more plastic bags and bottles?

Back to CO2;

Which society will produce more CO2? The one with 200 million people or the one with 400 million and growing exponentially?

Again, those 200 million more people are going to consume that whether or not they're born in Mexico or as anchor babies in the U.S.
Failed border policy doesn't cause people to breed like rabbits, stupidity does. Even if you send them all back and build a 100-ft tall electrified fence with heat sensing miniguns every 500 feet, those people are still going to breed, consume, and produce CO2.

You will only reduce or maintain current CO2 levels by convincing people to consume less, or by taxing them, or killing them, or producing goods and energy more efficiently, or planting more trees.
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Old 08-12-2009, 07:28 PM
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Originally Posted by CentralCoaster
Again, those 200 million more people are going to consume that whether or not they're born in Mexico or as anchor babies in the U.S.
Failed border policy doesn't cause people to breed like rabbits, stupidity does. Even if you send them all back and build a 100-ft tall electrified fence with heat sensing miniguns every 500 feet, those people are still going to breed, consume, and produce CO2.

You will only reduce or maintain current CO2 levels by convincing people to consume less, or by taxing them, or killing them, or producing goods and energy more efficiently, or planting more trees.

The 200 million are a combination of those we let in and the children who we encouraged them to have by subsidizing their birth, health care, education etc. Encouragement not available where they came from.

You get more of what you subsidize.

There are roughly 350 million white people in the Americas and 350 million in Europe. If Europeans had not come to the Americas, do you think there would be 700 million people in Europe? It doesn't work that way.

And by accepting tens of millions of people from a place like Mexico you force America to be the safety valve allowing Mexico to avoid dealing with its own social pathologies, injustice and birthrate.

Once again, and I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand;

I'm not interested in trying to save "The Planet". I'm not interested in trying to save Mexico. I'm trying to keep my own country from being dragged down to third world status.

If as you say, "...those people are going to breed, consume and produce CO2." in any case, excuse me for asking but, why would you want them doing it here instead of their own nation?

If you can't save a planet full of Mexicos, at least consider trying to protect and save our own country.

If we can't fix the whole third world it isn't "fair" for us to live well and protect what we've built?

They're gonna breed anyway so we might as well let 'em breed here? What the hell kind of thinking is that?

Last edited by RK1; 08-12-2009 at 09:28 PM.
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Old 08-12-2009, 07:51 PM
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I think the point being made here is that America and Mexico both exist on the same planet. Whether you like it or not, we're in this together. Go ahead, shut down the border and kick all the illegals out. Climate change doesn't give a damn.

Also, am I supposed to be offended, or are my arguments supposed to be nullified, by talk of how the environmentalist movement has been co-opted or diluted? Have I ever identified myself as an environmentalist? No, partly because then I'm associated with a movement that I sometimes agree with and sometimes don't, both in theory and in methods. I'm just a thoughtful human, or I try to be. Looking at my arguments and saying the environmentalist movement sucks is a waste of everyone's time. Doesn't disprove anything anyone has said here, especially the mountains of data posted by ReDone and others.

Ditto on the talk of eating baby/harp/any other kind of seals. What, am I supposed to go crying into my PETA brochures?

Anyways, if you're not interested in trying to save the planet, then I'm not sure how you intend to leave a better planet to your children. Or I guess you don't.
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Old 08-12-2009, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Liquidogged
I think the point being made here is that America and Mexico both exist on the same planet. Whether you like it or not, we're in this together. Go ahead, shut down the border and kick all the illegals out. Climate change doesn't give a damn.

Also, am I supposed to be offended, or are my arguments supposed to be nullified, by talk of how the environmentalist movement has been co-opted or diluted? Have I ever identified myself as an environmentalist? No, partly because then I'm associated with a movement that I sometimes agree with and sometimes don't, both in theory and in methods. I'm just a thoughtful human, or I try to be. Looking at my arguments and saying the environmentalist movement sucks is a waste of everyone's time. Doesn't disprove anything anyone has said here, especially the mountains of data posted by ReDone and others.

Ditto on the talk of eating baby/harp/any other kind of seals. What, am I supposed to go crying into my PETA brochures?

Anyways, if you're not interested in trying to save the planet, then I'm not sure how you intend to leave a better planet to your children. Or I guess you don't.
Yeah, we live on the planet with Mexicans and 5.5 billion other people, 4 billion of whom are dirt poor. About 3.9 billion of them would like to move here. How many do you want?

The world is organized into nation states. Mine is called America. I want to leave a better America for my children. I hope Mexicans want to leave a better Mexico for theirs, etc. etc.

Tens of millions of poor Mexicans have come here in the past 20 years. Is the portion of the planet called Mexico a better place for Mexicans and their children now?

Why do you think allowing America to be flooded with tens off millions third world poor will result in "a better planet" for your children? How does that work?
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Old 08-12-2009, 11:29 PM
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It is a problem, but it isn't very relevant to an environmental discussion.

I do think its stupid to be investing all this time and tax subsidies into alternative energies and pollution control if 96% of the world doesn't care. Were supposed to believe its an investment because in 5 years China is going to pay us billions of dollars for this technology and become dependent on us? Uh no. We'll just be poor, overtaxed, and will never get out of it what we put into it economically.

The only way we can force them to care is by requiring their imports meet our same environmental standards (and labor rights too). This will also increase their production costs so they won't be able to undercut American businesses in as many ways. China is laughing at us with all these self-imposed restrictions we have which increases our cost of doing business, all for the sake of unproven "science" and soothsayers.
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Old 08-12-2009, 11:58 PM
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Originally Posted by CentralCoaster
It is a problem, but it isn't very relevant to an environmental discussion.
Gotta disagree with you there. Assume for argument that man caused warming is reality and will continue. Which society is better prepared to survive and maintain itself? The one with a well educated and stable sized population or one twice as large, same geographical space, same resources and with a huge welfare dependent underclass? Which society will have the ability to invest in new tech and which will struggle to fund underclass dependency?

I agree with everything you said below this point. And whether the world destabilizes because of global warming or over population (which I think much more likely) what you stated below re; 96% don't care, is all the more reason for you to agree with I've said above. Don't understand why you wouldn't.

[/QUOTE]I do think its stupid to be investing all this time and tax subsidies into alternative energies and pollution control if 96% of the world doesn't care. Were supposed to believe its an investment because in 5 years China is going to pay us billions of dollars for this technology and become dependent on us? Uh no. We'll just be poor, overtaxed, and will never get out of it what we put into it economically.

The only way we can force them to care is by requiring their imports meet our same environmental standards (and labor rights too). This will also increase their production costs so they won't be able to undercut American businesses in as many ways. China is laughing at us with all these self-imposed restrictions we have which increases our cost of doing business, all for the sake of unproven "science" and soothsayers.[/QUOTE]
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Old 08-13-2009, 12:03 AM
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Originally Posted by RK1
Why do you think allowing America to be flooded with tens off millions third world poor will result in "a better planet" for your children? How does that work?
It doesn't work AND ALSO I NEVER SAID THAT. Don't put words in my mouth.

I made that comment in response to your statement that you don't care about the planet. Never, ever did I say that flooding this country with poor immigrants is good for the planet. I do think that bringing a couple hundred million more is trifling compared to population growth in the developing world, but that's not the same thing.
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Old 08-13-2009, 12:07 AM
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Originally Posted by CentralCoaster
It is a problem, but it isn't very relevant to an environmental discussion.

I do think its stupid to be investing all this time and tax subsidies into alternative energies and pollution control if 96% of the world doesn't care. Were supposed to believe its an investment because in 5 years China is going to pay us billions of dollars for this technology and become dependent on us? Uh no. We'll just be poor, overtaxed, and will never get out of it what we put into it economically.

The only way we can force them to care is by requiring their imports meet our same environmental standards (and labor rights too). This will also increase their production costs so they won't be able to undercut American businesses in as many ways. China is laughing at us with all these self-imposed restrictions we have which increases our cost of doing business, all for the sake of unproven "science" and soothsayers.
Where is the evidence that we're not going to get good returns on investment in green tech? I'm supposed to believe that? Why?
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Old 08-13-2009, 12:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Liquidogged
It doesn't work AND ALSO I NEVER SAID THAT. Don't put words in my mouth.

I made that comment in response to your statement that you don't care about the planet. Never, ever did I say that flooding this country with poor immigrants is good for the planet. I do think that bringing a couple hundred million more is trifling compared to population growth in the developing world, but that's not the same thing.
Good. Up until now you've seemed pretty hostile to the notion that border security and a pro sustainability immigration policy has any value.

Increasing the population from 300 to 400 million might seem trifling to you now, but what if you are correct about global warming?

What if the result is a nation of 400 million with enough fresh water for 350 million of them?

Last edited by RK1; 08-13-2009 at 12:35 AM.
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Old 08-13-2009, 12:32 AM
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Speaking of putting words in others mouths;

I never said "I don't care about the planet".

I said I'm not interested in trying to save "The Planet". Note the quotation marks. I'm poking a little fun here. Saving the whole planet is a pretty tall order.

We can only do the best we can with our piece of the planet. There are over 200 sovereign nations. If you go to any of them and demand they start saving the planet, most of them will put you in prison.

Last edited by RK1; 08-13-2009 at 12:38 AM.
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Old 08-13-2009, 05:47 AM
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I just farted! Sorry folks.
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Old 08-13-2009, 09:41 AM
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Originally Posted by happytrack44
I just farted! Sorry folks.
Damn! Will you please stop adding to the airborn methane problem
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Old 08-13-2009, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Liquidogged
Where is the evidence that we're not going to get good returns on investment in green tech? I'm supposed to believe that? Why?
The president says there will be a ROI, therefore there won't be.

Hmm I wonder where this money is going:

Foreign investors putting wind farms on U.S. soil:

In 1986, 50% of U.S. wind farms were Danish owned, much of it built with federal and state tax subsidies.

Last edited by CentralCoaster; 08-13-2009 at 10:55 AM.
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Old 08-13-2009, 03:20 PM
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"A senior UN environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is NOT REVERSED BY THE YEAR 2000.

Costal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of "eco refugees", threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the United Nations UN Environment Program, or UNEP. He said governments have A ten year window of opportunity to solve the..."

Miami Herald. July, 5 1989
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