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Old 03-24-2010, 10:45 PM
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I'm sorry what pay is this decreasing?
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:52 PM
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Is it going to increase taxes? You see, Maverick, there is two ways to look at decreasing pay. One would be an actual decrease in gross pay. The other would be a decrease in net pay. Taxes decrease net pay. Everyone pays taxes. Everyone's pay is decreased by taxes. Call it earnings, pay, take home, whatever.
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:55 PM
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I'm not a Republican.

The law is 1,990 pages long. Here's my favorite part so far;

"---Section 1862 (a) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395y(a) is amended---

(1) in paragraph (23), by striking "or" at the end;

(2) in paragraph (24) by striking the period and inserting ";or; and

(3) by inserting after paragraph (24) the following new paragraph:

"(25) subject to subsection (h), not later than January 1, 2015, for which the

payment is other than by electronic funds transfer (EFT) so long as the Secretary

has adopted and implemented a standard for electronic funds transfer under

section 1173A."

Now who could disagree with that?

Or this quote from sponsor Congressman John Dingell (D) Michigan...

"...it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people."
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Old 03-24-2010, 11:04 PM
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I see that you took the time to read it. Now, if all the other republicans would just take the time to read it. Its right there in his post, all you have to do is click. All the democrats have read it already, so get moving republicans.

I know, its only the republicans that have a problem with it, and if they just read it, they would understand what the dems already know. blah blah blah
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Old 03-24-2010, 11:11 PM
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Old 03-24-2010, 11:14 PM
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Originally Posted by autoteach
I see that you took the time to read it. Now, if all the other republicans would just take the time to read it. Its right there in his post, all you have to do is click. All the democrats have read it already, so get moving republicans.

I know, its only the republicans that have a problem with it, and if they just read it, they would understand what the dems already know. blah blah blah

Thanks, Bill. You made me laugh hard enough to spit coffee on the keyboard.
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Old 03-24-2010, 11:25 PM
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No problem. This stupid *** not my fault, mom will wipe my ***, I am not paying for it so it doesn't matter bullshit is going to absolutely destroy this country. It destroys my classroom, give it time and it will be on your door step,
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Old 03-25-2010, 01:49 AM
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Communist Party USA cheers passage of Obamacare!


Japan's Communist Party is impressed by Obamacare!


Italian Communist newspaper congratulates Obama!


Welfare Queens unite! You have nothing to lose but your bills and your responsibility as human beings!

Why work to pay for your own health care when you can stay at home, breed, drink Colt 45, eat cheese doodles and watch daytime TV?

Make those racist, sexist, anti-gay, xenophobic, teabagger, rich white people pay for it all! They want to work hard, earn their own money, keep it and spend on their own selves and families! Who the **** do they think they are? Free Americans? Ha Ha Ha! 'cause it's hopey changie time!

No Freebies, No Peace!

Last edited by RK1; 03-25-2010 at 02:06 AM.
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Old 03-25-2010, 02:19 AM
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Originally Posted by maverick
Thank goodness we have a fair voting system
When you support the Goobermint taking money out of other peoples' pockets, sucking off 80% of it and handing the rest of it over to you, that's not called a "fair voting system", that's called stealing. Why not cut out the middleman, strap on a pair and go take it yourself?

Last edited by RK1; 03-25-2010 at 02:30 AM.
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Old 03-25-2010, 05:44 AM
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I like how nobody is bringing up any facts, just vague, terrible, and mostly wrong ideas. If you guys honestly believe that a very small hike in taxes on those who will probably never notice it, and that is projected to decrease the national deficit by over a trillion dollars in the next 10 years, is not worth helping 32 million american PEOPLE, then I have absolutely no respect for you.
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Old 03-25-2010, 05:58 AM
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well, I prefer not to give one more penny to the government. they already take too much from me as it is. They need to get their spending/costs under better control and the deficit will get fixed that way. I also have no desire to pay more for the government to give things to others for free. There is just something inherently wrong when the government takes from those who worked hard for their money and give it to those who don't.

Then there is the impact on businesses.....

Then there's the impact on state costs....which means more state taxes piled onto me.

Personally, and I say this with all seriousness, I'm ready for the tea party to crank up and figure out how to start the country over just like 200 years ago. The government and career politicians are ruining the whole thing.

How about if those wanting handouts go to west of the Mississippi and those who want to work hard for what they get go east of the Mississippi and we'll just split into two countries and see which one survives longer.
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Old 03-25-2010, 05:58 AM
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Whew...I feel much better now.
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Old 03-25-2010, 06:03 AM
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Ok I work my *** off for my measley $10/hr *******. I am struggling to finish school because I don't have rich parents who give me money for no damn reason. There are millions of people working there *** off MUCH harder than you do for minimum wage, for which, health is absolutely out of the question.
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Old 03-25-2010, 07:36 AM
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Dude...you don't know how hard I work or don't work, nor what I've gone though in my life to get where I am today. You also don't have any clue if I'm an *******, so why are you throwing that mud?

Frankly, I've earned every penny. That doesn't mean I should have to now give it to other people, but that's exactly what the government is doing. No one besides ME deserves my money. While I do believe I should contribute to basic safety and security (like police and fire, etc), I don't believe that it's the government's place to decide what else should be handed out.

I have two sons who are in very similar situations to you. They are lifting THEMSELVES up, not getting government handouts. No food stamps, no rent subsidies, no welfare checks, nothing. While I want to see them succeed, I don't want to see them doing it by taking handouts from the government.
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Old 03-25-2010, 08:09 AM
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OK, everybody; time to get real. The health care problem is immensely complicated. It is not a simple black and white issue that can be argued with absolute certainty for either side.
The health care industry, as it now stands, is broken and disfunctional. SOMETHING needs to be done. In this down economy, not everyone who is without health insurance is a stay-at-home welfare cheat. They may be a recently unemployed worker with decades of work experience. Buying adequate coverage may be out of the question because the issues of paying rent/mortgage and purchasing food is more pressing on a day to day basis. Will they be back on their feet someday and able to contribute? Hopefully; every right thinking person wants to do the best for themselves and their dependents.
If this thing passes and is initiated, there WILL be abuses and this will infuriate us. That is an inevitable consequence when you have a population of a quarter billion and a faction of popular culture that says self responsibility is for losers. But, many people in genuine need will be helped.
Some entities will prosper unfairly from this proposal, some will suffer. Like any other creation of man it will not be perfect at its inception. Hopefully we will have the will and good judgement to fix and tweak things along the way. Remember too, the problem itself is not static. It's a moving target; always transient and changing.
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Old 03-25-2010, 09:05 AM
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my concern and objection to it is that like everything else the government does, it becomes "forever". I have no problem with helping someone out when something unexpected happens, but then people begin to live off of it.

For example...they have now extended unemployment to 3 years. I have a buddy who is hiring unskilled labor for his company. he has had several people come in who have turned down the job. They are perfectly capable of working. The money he can pay for this service is somewhat, but not alot better than they can do by staying home and not working. So what do they do? Live off of the government instead of earning an honest living.

THAT is a microcosm of what is wrong with government programs.

it's extremely frustrating to those of us in the middle class who have to carry the load for everyone else. Not to mention unfair. I'm not generally a political activist, but the politicians are certainly doing a good job of getting me to the point of revolt.
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Old 03-25-2010, 01:56 PM
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I hear what your saying NCDave. As I mentioned before, the response some people have to someone offering a helping hand is flawed. The concept of helping is not. Some may say that an environment that prevents someone from falling too far is to blame for the lack of initiative in some folks. That may be; there will always be abusers of kindness. But these exceptions are, hopefully, just that; exceptions. And as our media has degenerated, exceptions, the extreme, and just plain freaks, are what we get to hear about.
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Old 03-25-2010, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by nekkid
I hear what your saying NCDave. As I mentioned before, the response some people have to someone offering a helping hand is flawed. The concept of helping is not. Some may say that an environment that prevents someone from falling too far is to blame for the lack of initiative in some folks. That may be; there will always be abusers of kindness. But these exceptions are, hopefully, just that; exceptions. And as our media has degenerated, exceptions, the extreme, and just plain freaks, are what we get to hear about.
My response to "someone" helping the poor, as I do voluntarily, is to cheer and congratulate. But the government is not "someone".

There is nothing whatsoever in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Federalist Papers, or any record left by the Founders that they intended the FedGov to be the agent of wealth distribution backed by force of law and arms.

I am really, really sick of people who give little or nothing of themselves, but assuage their guilt by demanding the government "do something" ie; extort money from others against their will, an extortion ultimately backed up by men with face masks, jack boots and machine guns.

Care about the poor and unfortunate? Prove it. Put your money and time where your big fat sanctimonious pie whole is. Put up or shut up.

PS nekkid; This is not directed at you personally, but at all those who see the government as an armed enforcer of mandatory "charity" morality.

Second PS for some perspective;

Of every dollar you give to the Salvation Army, about 80 cents actually goes to the needy.

Of every dollar extorted from you by the FedGov for so called "assistance"programs, less then 20 cents goes to the needy. The rest goes to the bureaucrats, their brother in law who runs the program, their kids, aunts, uncles, cousins and political donors who get the fat contracts.

Last edited by RK1; 03-25-2010 at 03:13 PM.
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Old 03-25-2010, 03:17 PM
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Originally Posted by NCDave
How about if those wanting handouts go to west of the Mississippi and those who want to work hard for what they get go east of the Mississippi and we'll just split into two countries and see which one survives longer.
Why would you want 80% of the country to move across the Mississippi?
60% east to west, 20% west to east!
If you were watching the past presidential election the free loaders of the EAST out number the workers of the WEST.
Even Massachussettes finally woke up.

It comes down to population and when too much is just too much, smell the tea and get everyone to denounce the scum running this nation.
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Old 03-25-2010, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by NCDave
Dude...you don't know how hard I work or don't work, nor what I've gone though in my life to get where I am today. You also don't have any clue if I'm an *******, so why are you throwing that mud?
I didn't mean to imply you don't work hard, but there are always people who work harder. I'm sure there are people breaking their backs with extremely difficult manual labor that you couldn't do for very little money, and there are people who are subjected to all sorts of mental stresses, some of which, undoubtedly, are more than yours, for far less money.
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Old 03-25-2010, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by maverick
Ok I work my *** off for my measley $10/hr *******. I am struggling to finish school because I don't have rich parents who give me money for no damn reason. There are millions of people working there *** off MUCH harder than you do for minimum wage, for which, health is absolutely out of the question.
I am sorry, boo--- f-ing----hoo! I lived below the poverty level the whole time birth to graduation. My parents still gave me everything. If by everything you mean the skills and work ethic to make a life out of what skills and knowledge I was capable of developing. I paid cash for college cause I saved my money, worked all the time, and didn't dry because someone else had more than me. Don't give me this load of crap because you are sitting there feeling sorry for yourself. No one gives a rip that your parents weren't wealthy, the crap we care about is what you are willing to do (hardwork, long hours, frugality) to make ends meet or move up the food chain. If you ever start making more than $20/hr, you will be pissed about the amount of time an energy it took you to get there if the govt starts pulling you down. I busted my butt, I paid my way, I wore hand-me-downs, and I made MY money.
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Old 03-25-2010, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by maverick
Ok I work my *** off for my measley $10/hr *******. I am struggling to finish school because I don't have rich parents who give me money for no damn reason. There are millions of people working there *** off MUCH harder than you do for minimum wage, for which, health is absolutely out of the question.
You work for $10/hr. for one of two reasons;

Either you're not worth more than $10/hr, or you too lazy to go find a better job.

People in Mexico work harder than you for 75 cents an hour. How much of your $400 a week should the government steal from you and give to them?
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Old 03-25-2010, 04:19 PM
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haha man if nothing else, you guys are good for a laugh. (probably not good for much more)
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Old 03-25-2010, 04:21 PM
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Oh yeah, and if there are any teachers, former or current, on here that have a clue, you know that a student who is saved from failing at every occasion will be a bigger failure than the one who fails and learns from his lesson. This is not just high school students, I am talking about the very social and psychological nature of human beings (and animals for that matter). It is the nature of the living.
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Old 03-25-2010, 04:35 PM
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Hey, I own my own house, two motorcycles, a truck, a bus, don't have school loans from my undergrad, and am going to grad school right now. I work two jobs, besides the side jobs I do. I have worked in home construction, welding and sheetmetal, as a chef, and as a mechanic and I am now a teacher. If you want to call me worthless, go ahead. But, the fun ends there. If you worth more you would make over $10 an hour (yeah, I was making that in high school circa 1995-1999). I had my own business in high school doing lawn mowing and landscaping.

Like you give a rat's ***, right? Well, that is the exact problem, you think you have had it so hard, and your parents didn't do______, you grew up on the wrong side of town, whatever. And, anyone who has something you don't is a stupid Rep. that doesn't know how hard you have it, they were given their money, and they are worthless. You drive past a big house and envy them, and hate them. If someone has a nicer bike, they must be a worthless *****.
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Old 03-25-2010, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by maverick
haha man if nothing else, you guys are good for a laugh. (probably not good for much more)
Now why would you say that? you are making yourself look bad. These guys are making complete perfect sense here.
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Old 03-25-2010, 05:46 PM
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Originally Posted by harlangto
Why would you want 80% of the country to move across the Mississippi?
60% east to west, 20% west to east!
If you were watching the past presidential election the free loaders of the EAST out number the workers of the WEST.
Even Massachussettes finally woke up.

It comes down to population and when too much is just too much, smell the tea and get everyone to denounce the scum running this nation.
Ok, fine. I was trying not to have to move, but if it makes it easier, I'll move to Denverl
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Old 03-25-2010, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by NCDave
Ok, fine. I was trying not to have to move, but if it makes it easier, I'll move to Denverl
I'll go too. i want to ride north and south on those mountain passes til I die of altitude sickness...................................it'd be a lot more fun than this thread,huh?
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Old 03-25-2010, 06:09 PM
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I am spoiled with the mountains here.
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Old 03-26-2010, 12:19 AM
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Dictator/Murderer Fidel Castro Applauds Obamacare!!!


Last edited by RK1; 03-26-2010 at 12:23 AM.
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