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Old 01-29-2010, 11:34 AM
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Originally Posted by VTRsurfer
All he knows how to do is give speeches (411 in 12 months) that other people write for him (that includes taking his Presidential podium and teleprompters into a 6th grade classroom this week).
Sounds amusing, but for the record this is extremely misleading to imply he needed a teleprompter to speak to children.

That classroom was full of press reporters, not children. If you want to see news, you have to go beyond the Daily Show.

Here's a photo from a different classroom that day, but I guess the facts aren't as amusing.

Anyways here's a good laugh:


Last edited by CentralCoaster; 01-29-2010 at 11:37 AM.
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Old 01-30-2010, 09:45 AM
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Originally Posted by CentralCoaster
Sounds amusing, but for the record this is extremely misleading to imply he needed a teleprompter to speak to children.

That classroom was full of press reporters, not children. If you want to see news, you have to go beyond the Daily Show.
I have never watched the Daily Show, and don't even know what channel it's on.

My point was that this guy is married to his teleprompter, and when he is without it he stumbles and stammers. He can't speak off the cuff and be articulate.

Did you see his meeting with the House Republicans yesterday?(sans teleprompter, of course) It was carried live on Fox News. They asked the hard questions, and he was visibly upset/disturbed at times, and very defensive as he stammered his way through some of the questions.

That Onion bit is hilarious!

Last edited by VTRsurfer; 01-30-2010 at 09:50 AM.
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Old 02-01-2010, 12:35 PM
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So I was reading an article on Obumma's healthcare plan and their logic on funding government run health care, this part stood out:

Separate bills passed by the U.S. House and Senate would impose a penalty on people who don't have health insurance except in cases of financial hardship. Subsidies would be provided to low-income and middle-income households. The intent of the mandate is to expand the pool of people who are insured and paying premiums and thus offset the increased costs of insuring those with preexisting conditions or other risks

Ok, let's think this out...

The government is going to subsidize insurance coverage for low and middle class people to get them on the list.

The government is going to pay for this by imposing fines on those who don't have insurance, excluding those who can't afford it.

So my question is, where are they going to find these mythical upper class types who have no insurance and refuse to get it?

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Old 02-01-2010, 01:16 PM
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the rich who don't have the GOVERNMENT insurance. If you have private insurance, like from your company provided health care, then you also have to pay the government for the privilage of not using theirs. That way, you can fund the cost to those who can't afford to pay.

It would be easier to assign a poor person to every rich person and have the rich person pay their health insurance. While they are at it, you can also provide housing and food for them too. In fact, just invite them into your home to live with you and you can care for them just like your children.
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Old 02-05-2010, 07:18 PM
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It's a good thing they are all snowed out this weekend in Wahington. Might give the rest of us a chance at perspective. Might give them a chance to reflect on the winter George Washington endured to establish our country. Too bad they don't have to wade the ice chunks to rob us of our country.
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Old 02-09-2010, 09:57 PM
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Obama is currently working on establishing the "Climate Change Agency", which will study the causes and effects of "global warming".

This is going on while Washington D.C. is buried in near record snowfall and, in Minnesota, newly installed wind generators sit with their giant propellers stationary in 50 mph winds due to the cold turning hydraulic fluids into Jello.

This is how he "creates" jobs...by forming useless bureaucracies funded by us, the Great American Taxpayers, and installing wind generators without checking out how the local weather will affect their operation.

Oh, and then there's the whole Navy "Corpse-man" thing.
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Old 02-10-2010, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by NCDave
It would be easier to assign a poor person to every rich person and have the rich person pay their health insurance. While they are at it, you can also provide housing and food for them too. In fact, just invite them into your home to live with you and you can care for them just like your children.

No crap! I'm so tired of paying into Social Security and Medicare that I will NEVER, EVER, see. It makes me sick every time I look at my paycheck that by the time I retire the whole system will be gone and I will never got a dime out of all the money I paid in over the last 30 years. Please don't use either of those systems at all to send a message to Washington; lets repeal that crap now, and of course not add any new programs as well.
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Old 03-05-2010, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by VTRsurfer
Obama is currently working on establishing the "Climate Change Agency", which will study the causes and effects of "global warming".

This is going on while Washington D.C. is buried in near record snowfall and, in Minnesota, newly installed wind generators sit with their giant propellers stationary in 50 mph winds due to the cold turning hydraulic fluids into Jello.

This is how he "creates" jobs...by forming useless bureaucracies funded by us, the Great American Taxpayers, and installing wind generators without checking out how the local weather will affect their operation.

Oh, and then there's the whole Navy "Corpse-man" thing.
This guy has successfully moved from the "ineffective" to the "absurd or embarassing" level.
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Old 03-16-2010, 03:14 PM
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Is anybody paying attention? Now Pelosi is talking about feeding the Health Care Bill directly to Obama without an "up or down vote".

What ever happened to a Government "of the people, by the people and for the people".
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Old 03-16-2010, 05:42 PM
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I think it's about to get shot up - not talking heroin here
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Old 03-22-2010, 06:42 PM
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Universal nightmare has passed....... I can't type what i really feel on a public forum. I may end up some more lists.
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Old 03-22-2010, 07:00 PM
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Hahaha! More lists. We'll have to punish them with our votes in just a few short months. Check out your local turf wars and make the old dogs pay.

If that doesn't work we may have to just shoot them.
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Old 03-22-2010, 07:22 PM
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vote em out or revolution are the only two options i see. If you have a lot of money and a bunch of time you might be able to start a grass roots movement, but there are some many ills, I wouldn't know where to start.
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Old 03-22-2010, 07:37 PM
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Until we have a viable third party and install term limits, this is the kind of government we will receive.
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Old 03-22-2010, 08:08 PM
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Originally Posted by RWhisen
Until we have a viable third party and install term limits, this is the kind of government we will receive.
+1 can we add campaign finance reform that removes the harness special interests holds over legislators from local to state to fed levels.
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Old 03-24-2010, 04:29 PM
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Originally Posted by RWhisen
Until we have a viable third party and install term limits, this is the kind of government we will receive.
Kalifornia has had term limits on all state wide offices, on the assembly and senate and on most local offices for nearly 20 years. That's before the semi retarded former President started muttering "Family values don't stop at the Rio Grande" ( can you dig it?, Groovy man!) as if he was some stoned, bongo playing hippie in People's Park.

If you imagine that term limits are worth a bag of warm steaming cow pies, why don't you move to the People's Republic of Mexifornia? That's a joke BTW. I wouldn't wish the current version of Mexifornia on anybody.

I'm sorry, but "term limits" is a failed attempt to circumvent the fact that the average American doesn't give a flying F*ck about the Constitution, Bill of Rights or the survival of Western Civilization unless and until he can't get the Super Bowl on his TV or can't afford to buy a six pack of Budweiser.

Last edited by RK1; 03-24-2010 at 05:16 PM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 05:16 PM
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Just like the rest of you, I haven't read to 1990 page bill, however it's available online for anyone who has a direct question about it's content:
Health Care Bill
I am unsure about the implementation of the bill, however I have high hopes for it. A lot of the concerns I had have been quelled. I was worried the small company I work for would face fines if it did not issue insurance, but you have to have at least 50 employees to face fines. Also, I was worried about afford-ability, obviously, but the bill says if your premiums surpass 9.5% of your income, you will qualify for one of the exchange plans. Now they did not specify the cost of these exchange plans, but it stands to reason that if they feel 9.5% of your income is unreasonable, these plans would be significantly less. And from someone who only makes 300$ a week, I can say that even 10%(30 bucks a week) is more than doable. Also there are no more denials of service for pre-existing conditions, which I think we can all agree is a good thing. They also can't drop you if you get sick, and there are no more lifetime caps on coverage, so your grandmother with cancer won't be cut off of her chemo.
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Old 03-24-2010, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by maverick
Just like the rest of you, I haven't read to 1990 page bill, however it's available online for anyone who has a direct question about it's content:
Health Care Bill
I am unsure about the implementation of the bill, however I have high hopes for it. A lot of the concerns I had have been quelled. I was worried the small company I work for would face fines if it did not issue insurance, but you have to have at least 50 employees to face fines. Also, I was worried about afford-ability, obviously, but the bill says if your premiums surpass 9.5% of your income, you will qualify for one of the exchange plans. Now they did not specify the cost of these exchange plans, but it stands to reason that if they feel 9.5% of your income is unreasonable, these plans would be significantly less. And from someone who only makes 300$ a week, I can say that even 10%(30 bucks a week) is more than doable. Also there are no more denials of service for pre-existing conditions, which I think we can all agree is a good thing. They also can't drop you if you get sick, and there are no more lifetime caps on coverage, so your grandmother with cancer won't be cut off of her chemo.
Since you're working for minimum wage, you have nothing to gain from President Urkel's "Health Care Reform".

You're probably already eligible for "free" Medicare. Not to mention food stamps and the '"earned" income tax credit.

Why pay $30 a week for health insurance when Der Fuhrer and his party will steal the money from "the rich" and give it to you for free?
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Old 03-24-2010, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by RK1
Since you're working for minimum wage, you have nothing to gain from President Urkel's "Health Care Reform".

You're probably already eligible for "free" Medicare. Not to mention food stamps and the '"earned" income tax credit.

Why pay $30 a week for health insurance when Der Fuhrer and his party will steal the money from "the rich" and give it to you for free?
wow, not sure where to start here... A: people on minimum wage take home about 210 dollars a week. I make $10/hr, not $7.25. B: You've made it clear you don't know what Medicare is. Medicare is a government run system for people aged 65 and older. You may be referring to MedicAID, but you would still be way off base. Not being disabled, blind, aged, or pregnant, I would not qualify for that either. I suggest you look some of this up before you try to badger people about it.
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Old 03-24-2010, 06:39 PM
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Originally Posted by maverick
Just like the rest of you, I haven't read to 1990 page bill, however it's available online for anyone who has a direct question about it's content:
Health Care Bill
I am unsure about the implementation of the bill, however I have high hopes for it. A lot of the concerns I had have been quelled. I was worried the small company I work for would face fines if it did not issue insurance, but you have to have at least 50 employees to face fines. Also, I was worried about afford-ability, obviously, but the bill says if your premiums surpass 9.5% of your income, you will qualify for one of the exchange plans. Now they did not specify the cost of these exchange plans, but it stands to reason that if they feel 9.5% of your income is unreasonable, these plans would be significantly less. And from someone who only makes 300$ a week, I can say that even 10%(30 bucks a week) is more than doable. Also there are no more denials of service for pre-existing conditions, which I think we can all agree is a good thing. They also can't drop you if you get sick, and there are no more lifetime caps on coverage, so your grandmother with cancer won't be cut off of her chemo.
I would significantly temper those high hopes or you'll find yourself crashing faster than a lead ball in a vacuum when the realization of what these Health Insurance companies do to screw you out of your money. Having retired several years ago, I've been forced to deal with these Health Insurance criminals yearly. We have had to switch almost every year because these companies intentionally change coverage around to confuse the plans so that it's difficult to impossible to comprehend. Be careful when they use the rationale that you have choices because what it really means is that they're the only ones that have the info you need to make those choices intelligently. I am fairly well educated and it is near impossible for me to make any sense out of mess. Imagine what it's like for the older seniors incapable of deciphering complicated **** trying to figure this out.

I don't want to get into it here because it's complicated ****, but basically there is more money wasted on bureaucratic administrative bullshit, lobbyists, advertising, stockholders, and meaningless and redundant mailings than on health services to sick people.
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Old 03-24-2010, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by RK1
President Urkel's "Health Care Reform".
It's been known for many months that all "high government officials" are EXEMPTED from the Health Care Bill. That includes President Urkel, Hairplug Joe Bidden, Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank and all other members of Congress and the Senate.

If this Bill is so great, why don't any of the people who pushed it and voted for it want it???!!! Did Obama ever mention, during any of his 400 or so speeches pushing the Health Care Bill, "Oh by the way, I won't be subscribing to this plan."???

Example I heard this week from a health care professional while I was at the doctor's office: Young woman she knew from Canada, who suffered a torn ACL in her knee. 6 months wait to see the surgeon, then 6 more months wait for the surgery. Anybody ever try getting around for 1 YEAR with a torn ACL?
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Old 03-24-2010, 07:54 PM
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Originally Posted by VTRsurfer
It's been known for many months that all "high government officials" are EXEMPTED from the Health Care Bill. That includes President Urkel, Hairplug Joe Bidden, Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank and all other members of Congress and the Senate.

If this Bill is so great, why don't any of the people who pushed it and voted for it want it???!!! Did Obama ever mention, during any of his 400 or so speeches pushing the Health Care Bill, "Oh by the way, I won't be subscribing to this plan."???

Example I heard this week from a health care professional while I was at the doctor's office: Young woman she knew from Canada, who suffered a torn ACL in her knee. 6 months wait to see the surgeon, then 6 more months wait for the surgery. Anybody ever try getting around for 1 YEAR with a torn ACL?
That anecdote is 4th person, completely unbelievable, and utterly irrelevant. One time, my cousin's boyfriend's sister's friend who lives in Canada got prompt and adequate medical care for no money out of pocket, and joined the 86% of Canadians who strongly support public health care.
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Old 03-24-2010, 08:15 PM
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when i hear the argument of people in canada or europe waiting for procedures, i immediately think of the people in the good old USA dying, suffering and maybe both, because they don't even have any health care insurance. Would you rather wait like they have to do occasionally or have nothing to wait for like many of us do? Me and my family of a wife and 4 kids had no health care insurance for 25 years cause it was unafforable. We had to pay for all our own health needs or just didn't get em. Fortunately, we had nothing catastrophic occur or we would have suffered the same demise as many have to endure today---banruptcy.

Last edited by nath981; 03-24-2010 at 08:18 PM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by maverick
That anecdote is 4th person, completely unbelievable, and utterly irrelevant. One time, my cousin's boyfriend's sister's friend who lives in Canada got prompt and adequate medical care for no money out of pocket, and joined the 86% of Canadians who strongly support public health care.
Okay, How about my wife was born and lived in Canada until she was 15. Her oldest sister has always lived in Canada, for the last 40 some years in Manitoba. 2 years ago she was having knee problems and needed an MRI. She had to wait 6 months for an MRI!!! I just thought the torn ACL was a more extreme example.

I also have knee problems, pain at times, but I can still walk. Last week (before my crash) I saw my orthopedist and he ordered an MRI. It was approved the same day, and I had it done 2 days later (could have had it done the next day, but I was busy).

So if you think Obama Care is going to be so great, just wait until you get older?

I never had health insurance until I was 35 and started teaching full time. Workman's Comp took care of several ER visits when I worked construction as an electrician. I didn't need health insurance, so I didn't have to pay for it.
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Old 03-24-2010, 09:05 PM
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I know that there are bleeding heart ******** everywhere including here. If you think that some poor sap who doesn't get adequate care because under our current system, these feeble minded, or otherwise mentally disabled, cannot figure out how to receive the health care they need and is already afforded them is a problem for the entire public, your an idiot.

Anyone who agrees with this plan will soon come to realize that, to help them, they will have to give up the convenience that has been afforded them their whole lives of immediate point of service for the return of "helping" others get stopped up in a govt run system that doesn't work. I like being able to get where I need to go within the week. I don't like waiting, and when the hospitals have to deal with the issues like Canada does, it will slow it down.

And, if you don't believe that the uninsured/under-insured aren't afforded health care, my aunt had a bill at an ICU of $80,000. There was no way in hell that she could pay it, ever. She sat down with the hospital and they wanted to know how much she thought that she could pay in the next five years. She said $8,000. They signed her on for a installment plan at that amount. Deals all around...
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Old 03-24-2010, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by maverick
wow, not sure where to start here... A: people on minimum wage take home about 210 dollars a week. I make $10/hr, not $7.25. B: You've made it clear you don't know what Medicare is. Medicare is a government run system for people aged 65 and older. You may be referring to MedicAID, but you would still be way off base. Not being disabled, blind, aged, or pregnant, I would not qualify for that either. I suggest you look some of this up before you try to badger people about it.


A) I think you make $400 a week then.

B) I was thinking of Medicaid

C) You're not pregnant? Never mind then.

D) I was having some fun ranting between vodka shots, not trying to badger you.

E) I'm still deciding whether I'd rather read the multi-thousand page health insurance law, or pull my teeth out with the Vice-Grip.

I did read they're gonna hire 15,000 or more IRS agents to enforce the law. Those dudes make more than $10/hr. Pretty good insurance plan too!
Have you thought about a career change?
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Old 03-24-2010, 09:38 PM
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You really give a bad name to intelligent conservatives with legitimate opinions and concerns. Thank goodness we have a fair voting system, where the majority gets what they want (i.e. this bill) and isn't run by bigoted small minded necks.
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Old 03-24-2010, 09:44 PM
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Originally Posted by RK1

A) I think you make $400 a week then.

B) I was thinking of Medicaid

C) You're not pregnant? Never mind then.

D) I was having some fun ranting between vodka shots, not trying to badger you.

E) I'm still deciding whether I'd rather read the multi-thousand page health insurance law, or pull my teeth out with the Vice-Grip.

I did read they're gonna hire 15,000 or more IRS agents to enforce the law. Those dudes make more than $10/hr. Pretty good insurance plan too!
Have you thought about a career change?
I was talking take home pay. Sorry for the confusion.

And more jobs being created?? Lets get our lynchin' rope, bubba!

If you insist on complaining about the bill, you should probably at least complain about actual points which are in the bill, since the bill is right there, online, linked in my post, and even indexed so republicans can read it too.
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:27 PM
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Well at least everyone will have "maternity coverage". Yes that includes everyone on this Forum, male and female. It's in the bill.
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:32 PM
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Well, lets get down to facts. If you take a business that has 1000 employees, and decrease the pay of those employees by 25 percent and hire 333 new workers, you may be creating jobs. Then again you may cause some other issues.


Last edited by autoteach; 03-24-2010 at 10:37 PM.
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