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Old 07-29-2009, 02:49 PM
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If you think I'm a lib, you're sorely mistaken. I have never voted for a democratic candidate either, although I at least take them into consideration because I look at more than just party affiliation.

If I am judged for trying to look at things from other perspectives, and ask questions, rather than jumping to a side and portend knowing everything, then so be it.

There's two ways to debate something. You can label people and shovel **** on the fire and beat your chest, but the only one you'll have convinced of your argument is yourself. Or you can at least pretend to listen to what others are saying, respect their point of view, and have a healthy discussion, and you might find yourself changing some minds or at least swaying some opinions, or god forbid, even questioning your own beliefs.

I'm not saying I'm achieving that either, but it's my goal at least.
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Old 07-29-2009, 03:20 PM
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There is no room for non absolute thought. Your either with us or against us. Right or Left you pick the path...Notice who gets rich in that scheme
Attached Thumbnails Obamageddon!-wto.jpg  

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Old 07-29-2009, 03:35 PM
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Trilateral committee??? I thought it was the Pentavarate?!

Honestly, I can't see how anyone of us is going to make a bit of difference. We have our opinion, we voted for who we were going to vote for, they said that they would do 'x', and all we got was 'Y'. Unless we have the power to make change, the only way is in large scale organization (try to get five women into one car within 1/2hr), which isn't happening. We are on a twisty road, with a bunch of drunks at the wheel. Put on your seat belt, cover your head, and hope that you survive.
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Old 07-29-2009, 03:43 PM
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Old 07-29-2009, 04:17 PM
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Originally Posted by CentralCoaster
There's two ways to debate something. You can label people and shovel **** on the fire and beat your chest, but the only one you'll have convinced of your argument is yourself. Or you can at least pretend to listen to what others are saying, respect their point of view, and have a healthy discussion, and you might find yourself changing some minds or at least swaying some opinions, or god forbid, even questioning your own beliefs.

I'm not saying I'm achieving that either, but it's my goal at least.
I totally agree CC; that's what has kept me out of this thread for so long even though I've been following it.

We seem to have split this country neatly into two factions: Liberals and Conservatives, when I would guess that left to our own devices the population probably consists of a bellcurve from leftist to rightist. But, there's this "you're either one of us or one of them" mentality that's becoming truly divisive, and, in my opinion, destructive to any attempt at progress we all need as a country moving forward. The world is not black and white, it's shades of gray. I think it's foolish to label people as either a Liberal or a Conservative; there's a hell of a lot of space in between.

Maybe no one has noticed among all the fur flying between the left and right, but we are facing some very trying times right now as a country. I'm not real thrilled with the government sponsored bailouts of GM, Chrysler, and the banking industry, but I think it's a gross oversimplification to say the bailouts (for either industry) are either a) Good, or b) Bad. There's a whole lot of middle ground in there, with positives for say, no bailout (saves heaps of taxpayer money) versus positives in favor of the bailout (in the auto industry's case, the saving of lots of jobs - not only GM jobs, but those of their suppliers and raw materials; there's something of a trickle-down effect going on by supporting GM). My point is, there are drawbacks to both positions, and when faced with problems like this, we do the best we can with the information we have. One of the advantages our president (any president, not just the current one) has is the ability to access the smartest experts for advice in order to make that calculated decision. I'm not an economics professor so I don't know the particulars of the bailout decision, but I do know that many of us got tax rebates a little over a year ago, and President Bush authorized a $700-800 billion bailout package (targeted at the mortgage meltdown effects) in October of 2008. So it's not just Obama's advisors that feel these actions are necessary.

To me, the economic crisis we're in is the most important issue facing Americans right now. We're not helping ourselves by buying so many products and services from China and India (been to Wal-Mart or Target lately? Try to find everyday items that are made in the U.S.A.). But instead of taking a step back and realizing we all have to tighten our belts, and work harder, there's this reflex to blame someone for our problems (the previous president, or the current president for example). And I'm not picking on anyone in this thread, but I think that illegal immigration is more of a national security issue than an economic one. Most of the immigrants I see working around where I live are doing labor-intensive, low-paying jobs, that most local people seem to be too lazy to take on.

I know I'm rambling a little, but I think fears that Obama is going to destroy America as we know it are so overblown it's ridiculous. We've survived the Great Depression, a devastating Civil War, two World Wars, and many other crises; I'm sure we'll survive the Obama presidency. And if you're so worried about Obama being a socialist, consider that communism is the most extreme form of socialism, yet every time we buy a product from China we're feeding the biggest communist presence in the world. If socialism is that much of a threat, China should be scaring the crap out of all of us - and we're supporting them instead of our own citizens every time we shop at Wal-Mart.

We need to take a good honest look at ourselves as Americans, and realize that bickering and name-calling is not going to make this country great again - what we need is hard work and a willingness to come together as a nation.

I will now head back to lurking, and break up my soapbox to use for firewood...
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Old 07-29-2009, 04:34 PM
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How we got out of the Great Depression----what we are doing now

Are they anything alike???? I wonder (not really)
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Old 07-29-2009, 05:25 PM
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Originally Posted by autoteach
How we got out of the Great Depression----what we are doing now

Are they anything alike???? I wonder (not really)
Big government spending did not get us out of the great depression. WW2 did. Winning, specifically.
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Old 07-29-2009, 06:15 PM
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So you get my point? I am saying that what we are doing now is not the answer. So is starting a world war, so what's next?
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Old 07-29-2009, 06:21 PM
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Originally Posted by VTRsurfer
Evidently it will now be politically acceptable to use the terms "Wetback, N***** (I find that one offensive, except in Blazing Saddles), Dago, Spic, Honkie (I've been called that one), Gook, etc.

Here's why:
The Health Care Bill that Obama is trying to get passed refers to Mentally Disabled people as RETARDED.

And let's see....who wrote this bill? That's right, it's the DEMOCRATS. (picture that as a Donkey, not a horse)
You missed one, I watched Eastwood's Grand Torino over the weekend and had a good laugh about that.

"Zipperhead" was his word for it and I have no idea of what it refers to other than people who have serious scars in their scalp and wear their hair real short to show it. Is this it?

Anybody hit that hard in the head won't lane split with me. Sorry!
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Old 07-29-2009, 06:47 PM
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Do you want the blue pill OR the red pill?

RETARDED: a normal word that describes a condition of low mental capacity.....you can't call him that. WHY? It is not PC. **** you. That is not PC either. **** you.

Last edited by Jim TT; 07-29-2009 at 07:00 PM.
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Old 07-29-2009, 07:02 PM
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Note to self: The last post elivated me to Super Stock
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Old 07-29-2009, 07:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Jim TT
Do you want the blue pill OR the red pill?

RETARDED: a normal word that describes a condition of low mental capacity.....you can't call him that. WHY? It is not PC. **** you. That is not PC either. **** you.
"Retarded" was first used as a clinical term when the condition was first understood by doctors. It not Physician Correct? **** you - go back to school.
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Old 07-29-2009, 07:04 PM
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Originally Posted by CentralCoaster
Big government spending did not get us out of the great depression. WW2 did. Winning, specifically.
World War II:
Original Cost: $288 billion
Inflation Adjusted Cost: $3.6 trillion

(from CNBC: http://www.cnbc.com/id/27717424?slide=14)

I would say $3.6 trillion qualifies as big government spending...
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Old 07-29-2009, 07:05 PM
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SIGMA NU...I mean NU HAWK -I try but I just can't always be nice. ( you do know I agree with you...right?)

Last edited by Jim TT; 07-31-2009 at 08:36 AM.
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Old 07-29-2009, 07:07 PM
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Dave, 3.6 TRILL.... I have a link (bail out tracker a few pages back) that lists 10.5 trillion!

Last edited by Jim TT; 07-29-2009 at 07:14 PM.
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Old 07-29-2009, 07:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Jim TT
SIGMA NU...I mean NU HAWK -I try but I just can't always be nice. ( you do kno I agree with you...right?)
10-4 I was just adding a little fodder to your response to the other reader.
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Old 07-29-2009, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by CentralCoaster
Big government spending did not get us out of the great depression.
The data says it did. What happened in 37-38 is convincing to most economists (there always are some skeptics).

Unemployment dropped, and gross domestic product (GDP) increased, as the New Deal spending kicked in from 33-37. In 1937 Congress was scared of the growing deficit, and balanced the budget. Unemployment went back up, GDP down. That convinced even the deficit hawks, and New Deal deficit spending resumed. Unemployment and GDP moved favorably. It was a most convincing experiment. Of course the side effect was that it delayed the recovery. Had we not balanced the budget in 37 it seems clear that unemployment would have been down to a manageable 10%, before the war.

The enormous deficit spending of WWII (on a percentage basis, bigger than the recent stimulus) finished the job. It wasn't winning that did it. The Depression ended well before we won, and in fact there was a slight slip after we won, as the economy had to reintegrate the soldiers.

Last edited by Redone; 07-29-2009 at 08:25 PM.
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Old 07-29-2009, 08:17 PM
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There is a difference between spending money on a war that requires workers to make the consumables (stimulating jobs, economy) versus GIVING money to businesses that are closing plants and jobs, and to the banks who are taking money from the workers and the gov't. and giving nothing back. That is a major difference. How about the failing infrastructure. We could be investing in building up decrepit schools, roads, and cities using American workers, or we could give the money to businesses that are failing. Just some ideas, but that is what I do, come up with ideas. some aren't exactly good (send them all back), but I try.
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Old 07-29-2009, 08:21 PM
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Originally Posted by autoteach
There is a difference between spending money on a war that requires workers to make the consumables (stimulating jobs, economy) versus GIVING money to businesses that are closing plants and jobs, and to the banks who are taking money from the workers and the gov't.m and giving nothing back. That is a major difference. How about the failing infrastructure. We could be investing in building up decrepit schools, roads, and cities using american workers, or we could give the money to businesses that are failing. Just some ideas, but that is what I do, come up with ideas. some aren't exactly good (send them all back), but I try.
The mentality of just spending money is the rule of the day - it's supposed to make us all feel better. The spending that has happened this year and last fall makes me feel sick - like I hope I can puke and it will all go away.
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Old 07-29-2009, 09:24 PM
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nope, there is going to be a nasty hangover, and one that we will need more than a day to recover from. The thing that sucks is the money that is being spent will have nothing to show for it 5 years down the road, infrastructure seems to be a better investment and it employs a whole lot more people.
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Old 07-29-2009, 09:32 PM
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Originally Posted by autoteach
nope, there is going to be a nasty hangover, and one that we will need more than a day to recover from. The thing that sucks is the money that is being spent will have nothing to show for it 5 years down the road, infrastructure seems to be a better investment and it employs a whole lot more people.
"infrastructure" would be better than money to "cure" aids in Africa, study the sexuality of butterflies, or pay ACORN billions to register illegal aliens to vote.

WWII money put Americans to work building P-51 Mustangs, B-17s, Sherman tanks, battleships etc. Expanding America's industrial capacity. Helped make us the greatest exporter, greatest creditor for 40-50 years. That was before NAFTA and MFN for the Butchers of Bejing and other so-called "free trade" looting of America and her people by the scum who run Wall Street and the U.S. Goobermint.
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Old 07-31-2009, 12:17 AM
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I just went to the Harvard Univ. website, got the email address of Henry Louis Gates. Obummer's favorite white hating race hustler. Sent him an email thanking him for doing more damage to Obummer's presidency that any ten "conservative" Republicans.

Got a message back in a few minutes saying "this account has been permanently disabled".

Ha! Ha!
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Old 07-31-2009, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by RK1
I just went to the Harvard Univ. website, got the email address of Henry Louis Gates. Obummer's favorite white hating race hustler. Sent him an email thanking him for doing more damage to Obummer's presidency that any ten "conservative" Republicans.

Got a message back in a few minutes saying "this account has been permanently disabled".

Ha! Ha!
Nice one! Congrats on the quick thinking!
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Old 07-31-2009, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by RK1
I just went to the Harvard Univ. website, got the email address of Henry Louis Gates. Obummer's favorite white hating race hustler. Sent him an email thanking him for doing more damage to Obummer's presidency that any ten "conservative" Republicans.

Got a message back in a few minutes saying "this account has been permanently disabled".

Ha! Ha!

I guess he got all the Love mail that he could stand...
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Old 07-31-2009, 06:41 PM
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A letter in the Orange County Register this morning stated that a better choice of beer by Obama for the "Beer Summit" would have been....ARROGANT BASTARD ALE...which is brewed by The Stone Brewing Company in San Diego, a locally owned company. (For those who don't know, all 3 beers that were chosen are owned by foreign companies)

I've drank Arrogant Bastard Ale, and it's quite good, unlike the Bud Light **** water Obama likes.
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Old 07-31-2009, 09:27 PM
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Obama body language vs. a class act;

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Old 07-31-2009, 10:01 PM
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Originally Posted by RK1
Obama body language vs. a class act;

That's great. Obviously Obama is very good at using people.
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Old 08-02-2009, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by VTRsurfer
A letter in the Orange County Register this morning stated that a better choice of beer by Obama for the "Beer Summit" would have been....ARROGANT BASTARD ALE...which is brewed by The Stone Brewing Company in San Diego, a locally owned company. (For those who don't know, all 3 beers that were chosen are owned by foreign companies)

I've drank Arrogant Bastard Ale, and it's quite good, unlike the Bud Light **** water Obama likes.

Rumor has it after the media got their photo-op, Obama started pounding a 40oz King Cobra he was hiding in his coat.

I wouldn't say arrogant bastard is good, it's just f***ing mean-*** beer. But I drink it anyways, sharing a growler-full of fresh stuff from the brewery is like getting a good beat down.
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Old 08-02-2009, 02:07 PM
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Originally Posted by RK1
Obama body language vs. a class act;
When they coined the phrase "Tough Old Bird" Senator Robert Byrd was chuckling to himself because he thought the first Bush deserved the honor more than he did. The picture of him and W is what life is all about.
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Old 08-02-2009, 03:38 PM
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Originally Posted by CentralCoaster
Rumor has it after the media got their photo-op, Obama started pounding a 40oz King Cobra he was hiding in his coat.
Back in the mid '70s when I was working at a tune-up shop in Compton, guys would drive up to the front of the shop at 8AM with a Shlitz Malt Liquor tall boy resting between their legs.

Also, I saw a great bumper sticker today, on the back of an early '60s VW bus of all things, it read:
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