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Old 07-08-2009, 04:07 PM
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This guy seems legit to me, but what do I know? Riots by 2012!

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Old 07-08-2009, 04:09 PM
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Here is his companies website:

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Old 07-08-2009, 04:22 PM
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Don't blame me, I didn't vote for the empty suit.

And now they are talking about a SECOND Stimulus Package. They don't even know where the money went from the first one.
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Old 07-08-2009, 05:10 PM
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Rebellion is comming and Im already organizing a militia.
Ive been saying this **** for years, and its been self evident for at least 10.
This guys it spot-on.
Inflation is going to rise faster than my pecker when I watch ****.
And that is because of the stimulus (spendulus, porkulus) bill ALONE.
Then, factor in the way they are printing money at the Ft Worth texas federal money presses, with NO backing .... that alone would cause this too.
So, its inflation X2.
Everything from food to auto parts, to toys and tampons is going to spike like you have never seen in your wildest nightmares soon.
The only way to clean up this nation is a revolt on washington.
Kick out and proscute evereyone in congress and the supreme court, and chase the rest to the hills.
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Old 07-08-2009, 05:36 PM
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Dick Morris described it on Fox News as Hyper-Inflation. Like make a great nation into a slave nation in a matter of months. I don't think so! Not in my backyard.
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Old 07-08-2009, 05:52 PM
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How could Obama possibly be the blame? The guy hasn't been in office but a couple of months. Lets put the blame where its most fitting; the guy from the last eight years. Obama is truly trying to fix this guys **** ups and you wont even give him a chance.
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Old 07-08-2009, 06:04 PM
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Oh yeah? How about the Cap and Trade Bill which will raise ALL energy costs, which will raise the price of EVERYTHING. All so Obama can put up his windmills and solar panels.

Meanwhile there is all kinds of oil on the North Slope and offshore. And nuclear power works. I've lived 3 miles from San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station for 24 years, and I haven't grown a third arm yet.
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Old 07-08-2009, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Rashardj
How could Obama possibly be the blame? The guy hasn't been in office but a couple of months. Lets put the blame where its most fitting; the guy from the last eight years. Obama is truly trying to fix this guys **** ups and you wont even give him a chance.

This has been long coming and in my opinion, started in the 90's when we started letting people buy homes that they could never possibly afford to pay for, credit card companies giving credit to those who could not afford those either, illegals on welfare, food stamps, so on and so forth...

Obama and his ignorance has just magnified the problem and it will come to a head much sooner than expected. Me and along with several others share the same view's.

But in my honest opinion, if you truely support Obama than you are just as fawked up as he is and can't see whats really going on in this country and his actions are making it worse.

A Revolution is coming! What side are you willing to fight for?
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Old 07-08-2009, 06:37 PM
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should I be going to costco? I wonder if I should be buying dry stored goods? Underwear, should I but some of that too? Oh crap, this is bad, I am low on underwear.

Actually, if the poop hits the fan, I may just go native.
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Old 07-08-2009, 06:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Rashardj
How could Obama possibly be the blame? The guy hasn't been in office but a couple of months. Lets put the blame where its most fitting; the guy from the last eight years. Obama is truly trying to fix this guys **** ups and you wont even give him a chance.
Indeed, its not Obamas fault, hes just playing right into the hand of the NWO facists. I think its sad hes squandering the golden opportunity to unite the nation like no other pres in history.
He had it right in his hand and chose to be an Idealogue instead.
Its a sad time for the USA.

But she will rise again!
Blood will flow, but she will never be defeated!
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Old 07-08-2009, 06:42 PM
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obamas gonna pay my bills!
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Old 07-08-2009, 06:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Circuit_Burner
Indeed, its not Obamas fault, hes just playing right into the hand of the NWO facists. I think its sad hes squandering the golden opportunity to unite the nation like no other pres in history.
He had it right in his hand and chose to be an Idealogue instead.
Its a sad time for the USA.

But she will rise again!
Blood will flow, but she will never be defeated!

+ 1
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Old 07-08-2009, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by nfbzike

And these are his followers, sad, sad, sad!!!
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Old 07-08-2009, 06:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Rashardj
How could Obama possibly be the blame? The guy hasn't been in office but a couple of months. Lets put the blame where its most fitting; the guy from the last eight years. Obama is truly trying to fix this guys **** ups and you wont even give him a chance.
Bush spent hundreds of billions we don't have, bailed out the wall street billionaires, signed working Americans' names on the loan docs and sold the paper to the Red Chinese and the Saudis.

Obama is spending TRILLIONS we don't have, bailing out wall street billionaires, signing working Americans' names to the loan docs and selling the paper to Red China and the Saudis.
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Old 07-08-2009, 06:54 PM
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Old 07-08-2009, 07:09 PM
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lol Bush failed. Anyone who doesn't see that is not even worth debating.
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Old 07-08-2009, 07:52 PM
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Originally Posted by maverick
lol Bush failed. Anyone who doesn't see that is not even worth debating.

I agree that Bush did nothing to improve our economy, but the wheels were set in motion before Bush got into office. So it's not all his fault either!

This coming from a republican, Obama had a chance to become one of the greatest presidents ever, too bad he is traveling down the path of failure.

I guess he is not the "Great Messiah" all you liberals thought he was . The "Rockstar Appeal" has begun to fade away.
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Old 07-08-2009, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by k-d-williams
I agree that Bush did nothing to improve our economy, but the wheels were set in motion before Bush got into office. So it's not all his fault either!

Yeah, but Bush came to office with an ascendant GOP in control of both houses of Congress. Instead of reversing those wheels he ran his party and the conservative movement into the ground.

His obscene spending made Clinton look like a fiscal tightwad. His refusal to secure the border, enforce immigration law, his insane obsession with amnesty for 30 million illegal alien natural born Democrats in waiting tore the guts out of the party.

If Obama has one person to thank for his election, it's George W. Bush.
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Old 07-08-2009, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by RK1
Yeah, but Bush came to office with an ascendant GOP in control of both houses of Congress. Instead of reversing those wheels he ran his party and the conservative movement into the ground.

His obscene spending made Clinton look like a fiscal tightwad. His refusal to secure the border, enforce immigration law, his insane obsession with amnesty for 30 million illegal alien natural born Democrats in waiting tore the guts out of the party.

If Obama has one person to thank for his election, it's George W. Bush.

Agreed, and as i previously said "Bush did nothing to improve our economy".
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Old 07-08-2009, 08:35 PM
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Originally Posted by RK1
His obscene spending (while fighting two wars made Clinton look like a fiscal tightwad. Clinton's only indecision is whether it wanted it in the face or the ***. His refusal to secure the border(which has now paralyzed the building trades in the south) enforce immigration (yeah just for Mexicans that have been here for three generations) law, his insane obsession with amnesty for 30 million illegal alien (and they were all the new Hindi) natural born Democrats in waiting tore the guts out of the party. (Their social remedy will spell the end of the republic and most of its rights in thirty years.)

If Obama has one person to thank for his election, it's George W. Bush.
Who we gonna thanks next - that's the real question. And who's going to be here to answer for it.
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Old 07-08-2009, 09:37 PM
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Ok, this post is NOT directed at anyone specific. Having said that...

Aren't we all dramatic. Put down the bourbon and the shotguns, fellas. Take a deep breath.

Things have basically been going downhill in this country since corporations became more important to government than citizens are. Our system rewards not just hard work and innovation, but straight up evil - whatever makes a profit. These problems go deeper than political parties.

Yes, a lot of damage was done before Bush took office. Yes, Bush managed to put this country through a completely insane 8 years that did even more damage. And yes, Obama is spending money like there's no tomorrow. But the underlying problem is still there: our system of distributing goods and services (capitalism), the way we have it organized now, rewards greed and destruction as much as it rewards good hard work.

On a side note, I wonder if the folks talking about revolution now were talking about it back when Bush was setting up his little cuban torture camp and illegally wiretapping American citizens. How pissed were you guys when they made up a bunch of bullshit to go invade Iraq? How angry were you when that war dragged on and on, and billions - BILLIONS - were poured into a black hole every year to companies like Halliburton, that have provided such shitty "services" that American soldiers have died of electrocution from faulty wiring in the lights above their showers? Was it revolution time then? No? But now because Obama is spending a lot of money it's time to invade DC and deal out some vigilante justice?

Let me get this straight: it's ok for a white president to spend billions to bail out wall street and blow up muslims, but it's not ok for a black president to spend billions to bail out wall street and push for renewable energy? See how insane it starts to sound?

Like I said: everyone put down the bourbon and the shotguns and take a deep breath. Turn off Fox "news" while you're at it.
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Old 07-08-2009, 09:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Liquidogged
Ok, this post is NOT directed at anyone specific. Having said that...

Aren't we all dramatic. Put down the bourbon and the shotguns, fellas. Take a deep breath.

Things have basically been going downhill in this country since corporations became more important to government than citizens are. Our system rewards not just hard work and innovation, but straight up evil - whatever makes a profit. These problems go deeper than political parties.

Yes, a lot of damage was done before Bush took office. Yes, Bush managed to put this country through a completely insane 8 years that did even more damage. And yes, Obama is spending money like there's no tomorrow. But the underlying problem is still there: our system of distributing goods and services (capitalism), the way we have it organized now, rewards greed and destruction as much as it rewards good hard work.

On a side note, I wonder if the folks talking about revolution now were talking about it back when Bush was setting up his little cuban torture camp and illegally wiretapping American citizens. How pissed were you guys when they made up a bunch of bullshit to go invade Iraq? How angry were you when that war dragged on and on, and billions - BILLIONS - were poured into a black hole every year to companies like Halliburton, that have provided such shitty "services" that American soldiers have died of electrocution from faulty wiring in the lights above their showers? Was it revolution time then? No? But now because Obama is spending a lot of money it's time to invade DC and deal out some vigilante justice?

Let me get this straight: it's ok for a white president to spend billions to bail out wall street and blow up muslims, but it's not ok for a black president to spend billions to bail out wall street and push for renewable energy? See how insane it starts to sound?

Like I said: everyone put down the bourbon and the shotguns and take a deep breath. Turn off Fox "news" while you're at it.

I see we are playing the race card again...
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Old 07-08-2009, 09:50 PM
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Originally Posted by nuhawk
Who we gonna thanks next - that's the real question. And who's going to be here to answer for it.
Not sure where you're coming from nuhawk, but I know this;

The cost of Iraq and Afghanistan is chump change compared to the increased social welfare spending Bush rammed through Congress.

A pittance compared to the welfare, food stamps, section eight housing vouchers, "earned" income tax "credit", health care and education, police, court and prison costs resulting from tens of millions of wetbacks living here with under "Dubya's" protection. Not to mention the thousands of Americans robbed, raped, murdered or those killed by wetback drunk drivers.

George Bush pretended to be be a conservative and unlike anyone else in the family (including his little brother), he's got the Texas drawl down pat.

On the inside, he was the same guilt ridden Connecticut Yankee liberal Republican his daddy and grand daddy were. Determined to show how "generous" he was by spending YOUR money, and flooding your country with millions of welfare eligible, taxpayer subsidized third world "undocumented workers".

Socialize the labor costs, privatize the profit. Anybody objects? Call them xenophobes and racists.
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Old 07-08-2009, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by RK1
Not sure where you're coming from nuhawk, but I know this;

The cost of Iraq and Afghanistan is chump change compared to the increased social welfare spending Bush rammed through Congress.

A pittance compared to the welfare, food stamps, section eight housing vouchers, "earned" income tax "credit", health care and education, police, court and prison costs resulting from tens of millions of wetbacks living here with under "Dubya's" protection. Not to mention the thousands of Americans robbed, raped, murdered or those killed by wetback drunk drivers.

George Bush pretended to be be a conservative and unlike anyone else in the family (including his little brother), he's got the Texas drawl down pat.

On the inside, he was the same guilt ridden Connecticut Yankee liberal Republican his daddy and grand daddy were. Determined to show how "generous" he was by spending YOUR money, and flooding your country with millions of welfare eligible, taxpayer subsidized third world "undocumented workers".

Socialize the labor costs, privatize the profit. Anybody objects? Call them xenophobes and racists.

Let's not leave out all the other races that have been welfare addicts for decades now...let's be fair about it all...who do we blame for those folks?
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Old 07-08-2009, 10:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Randman
Let's not leave out all the other races that have been welfare addicts for decades now...let's be fair about it all...who do we blame for those folks?
Hell Randy. It's bad enough we have to pay welfare to Americans. It's something else to import tens of millions of them from the rest of world, don't you think?
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Old 07-08-2009, 10:37 PM
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I'm not playing the race card, I'm trying to understand why, in the eyes of some, 4 months of one president are judged so much more harshly than 8 years of another president.

Speaking of race, "wetback" is a racial slur. Talking about crimes committed by illegal aliens is - well, it does seem kinda racist, sorry. The common denominator for criminals is usually poverty, not race. Which means that the white collar crooks who are REALLY screwing people don't even have a good excuse - they're just greedy, horrible gangsters. Where's the anger at corporate america for screwing us all for so long? If you really want a revolution, start by destroying the corporations that make a living off of destroying America. They've been at it for decades. Obama just got here.

And the cost of the wars isn't chump change compared to anything. It currently stands at about 877 billion - a lot of which is completely unaccounted for. And AFAIK, the stimulus money is not unaccounted for - a lot of it isn't even scheduled to be spent until the end of 2009 and beginning of 2010.

Honestly, stay away from Fox News. It is not news. It is propaganda. It is a for-profit operation that makes money by distorting the facts and stirring up hatred and fear. Diversify your news sources.
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Old 07-08-2009, 10:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Liquidogged
I'm not playing the race card, I'm trying to understand why, in the eyes of some, 4 months of one president are judged so much more harshly than 8 years of another president.

Speaking of race, "wetback" is a racial slur. Talking about crimes committed by illegal aliens is - well, it does seem kinda racist, sorry. The common denominator for criminals is usually poverty, not race. Which means that the white collar crooks who are REALLY screwing people don't even have a good excuse - they're just greedy, horrible gangsters. Where's the anger at corporate america for screwing us all for so long? If you really want a revolution, start by destroying the corporations that make a living off of destroying America. They've been at it for decades. Obama just got here.

And the cost of the wars isn't chump change compared to anything. It currently stands at about 877 billion - a lot of which is completely unaccounted for. And AFAIK, the stimulus money is not unaccounted for - a lot of it isn't even scheduled to be spent until the end of 2009 and beginning of 2010.

Honestly, stay away from Fox News. It is not news. It is propaganda. It is a for-profit operation that makes money by distorting the facts and stirring up hatred and fear. Diversify your news sources.
I judge Bush's 8 years as harshly as any National Socialist Democrat. Just ask the partisan Republicans who get pissed at me every time I bring it up. This chart is just yearly deficit spending. The current debt plus unfunded mandates is about 60 trillion. Compared to that, the wars are chump change. And what happened to Obama's campaign pledge to have all troops out of Iraq by last March? Did you notice he sent MORE troops to Afghanistan? That he's ordered a big offensive and Americans are getting killed? Are you and Cindy Sheehan gonna protest in front of the White House?

I judge Obama the same 'cause he's Bush II. He's jumped into the hole Bush dug, thrown away the shovel and brought in an earth mover.
Attached Thumbnails Obamageddon!-wapoobamabudget1.jpg  

Last edited by RK1; 07-08-2009 at 10:56 PM.
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Old 07-08-2009, 11:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Liquidogged
I'm not playing the race card,

Speaking of race, "wetback" is a racial slur. Talking about crimes committed by illegal aliens is - well, it does seem kinda racist, sorry.
The "racist" slander makes me laugh out loud. I didn't mention a race of people, or race at all.

Wetback means illegal alien and illegal alien is a legal status, not a race.

And if upon reading "illegal alien" you immediately thought "Mexican", that doesn't automatically mean you're a racist 'cause "Mexican" is a nationality, not a race.

Most of the black people I know prefer the company of other black people, "Hispanics" prefer other Hispanics, Asians, Asian etc. So I don't see how they're any less racist than you are.

I think the biggest racists are the white folks who insist we hold other people to a different (lower) standard as if they belonged to a race of mildly retarded people who need special help, special programs, "affirmative action" etc. Just my opinion.

PS Crimes committed by illegal aliens (what ever their race) are crimes which never would have occurred if the government did its job of securing borders and enforcing immigration law. Crimes the government could have easily prevented, but refused to.

Last edited by RK1; 07-08-2009 at 11:56 PM.
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Old 07-09-2009, 12:04 AM
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Have no doubt people, the war on terror was brewing since the original gulf war.
In the mid 90s I distincly remember clinton having to deal with the growing Islamic threat from Al Queda. The Taliban hated us as much, but really didnt give a rats *** about killing americans. Clinton limp wristedly made symbolic moves with some ships and some cruise missiles when he noticed the media was watching. but nothing to the effect of actually stopping or hindering this minute and miniscule but growing threat. Our great politicians are most concerned about re-election or sticking with what their handlers want. So the political risk involved with killing even the camel was too great. We sat on our asses and watched as this grew, and even after the USS COLE was bombed in Yemen. It was tit for tat and they blow up something with a 50 dollar bomb, and we spend 50 goddamn million on a cruise missile that misses the intended target because they really didnt give a **** if it was even directed at a valid target or not. All sysmbolic and worthless.

This is coming from someone who was photographing the WTC-2 north tower when it fell on 911. When a thousand people die at one time right in front of you, you get to feel something that almost no humans in history ever feel. You get a taste in your mouth that cant be described. You feel a sudden cold suction from within your chest that sucks the life out of you and brings you to your knees. You then feel an emptyness and a sadness you never felt in your whole lifetime. All within seconds.
Then after you can walk, and after you can breathe normally again, a rage of five thousand volcanos rips through your skull, looping through your eyesockets and out into space, bending the planets magnetic field for a minute.
It is in these times that you realise its time to fight.
You come to the fast conclusion that all the politically correct liberal fuckfaces and country-hating new age communist hippies have had it all wrong.
As the cloud of dust covers you and you can taste the little tiny grains of pulverized glass between your teeth, you know a fight is coming...and you know you are going to take it to them.

Now, for all you people who blame us for the war on terror, and even going to Iraq...
They didnt want evidence of WMD. They had plans to knock saddam off long ago.
After 911 we didnt need an excuse to do ****. All we knew is we were about to tear up someones world. And frankly, I didnt give a damn.
Our problem is we dont kick enough ***, even though we are more than capable.
The political risk became so great that we would lose Iraq, the panderer dummy in chief went ahead and let the military "Surge".
Lots of risks with a surge. Its do or die, politically.
So all the little ********* who were shouting about the surge (Obama Inc.) got their asses handed to them after it was a smashing success. We flexed up, turned off the limiter, and got the ******* job taken care of.
It was just a coincidence Bush gets credit for that.
Vietnam could have been the same way if politicians had no power.

So lets keep **** straight here.
If something kills thousands of innocent people in one quick event, planned and executed with intent, those people and everyone connected to them deserve sudden death, nevermind any or all collateral damage that may be incurred.
if they hide among the population, and the population makes the mistake to associate or support these individuals, they are in harms way too.
This is a WAR, and war is ugly.
And Im afraid ... WAR is coming to a town near YOU soon.

Last edited by Circuit_Burner; 07-09-2009 at 12:09 AM.
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Old 07-09-2009, 02:56 AM
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I think obama is pretty decent compared with other leaders, he seems to know whats going on and acts on it which is important.
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