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Old 12-23-2008, 08:14 AM
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According to a Marine Pilot:

In addition to communicating with the local Air Traffic Control facility, all aircraft in the Persian Gulf AOR are required to give the Iranian Air Defense Radar (military) a ten minute 'heads up' if they will be transiting Iranian airspace.

This is a common procedure for commercial aircraft and involves giving them your call sign, transponder code, type aircraft, and points of origin and destination.

I just flew with a guy who overheard this conversation on the VHF Guard (emergency) frequency 121.5 MHz while flying from Europe to Dubai. It's too good not to pass along. The conversation went something like this...

Air Defense Radar: 'Unknown aircraft at (location unknown), you are in Iranian airspace. Identify yourself.'

Aircraft: 'This is a United States aircraft. I am in Iraqi airspace.'

Air Defense Radar: 'You are in Iranian airspace. If you do not depart our airspace we will launch interceptor aircraft!'

Aircraft: 'This is a United States Marine Corps FA-18 fighter. Send 'em up, I'll wait!'

Air Defense Radar: (no response ... total silence).

Semper Fi and Merry Christmas to the forum.
Pigwings Carl
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Old 12-23-2008, 09:01 AM
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I've had a few business dealings with "Persians" as they like to be called in this country. They are invariably liars and cheats and wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face..however this just goes to show that generally speaking they are not stupid!!

Thanks for this posting it was my first good laugh in a long while!

Last edited by HRCA#1; 12-23-2008 at 09:04 AM.
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Old 12-23-2008, 09:33 AM
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There's a few I know good and alot I've dealt with bad. They invariably look down on arabs. They consider themselves 'white' (ie. aryan).
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Old 12-23-2008, 09:57 AM
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Originally Posted by LineArrayNut
There's a few I know good and alot I've dealt with bad. They invariably look down on arabs. They consider themselves 'white' (ie. aryan).
Because they are Aryan. Just like people from all other racial and ethnic groups in my experience, some are good and some are bad.
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Old 12-23-2008, 10:17 AM
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Would you rather live in Iran or USA? Why do many Iranians want to come to USA and no Americans want to go to Iran?
Seriously, I know that they're Aryans, why do you think I clarified it, lol?
No use *****-footing about with it, the content is clear: context matters. America>Iran.
Why? Islam.
Try opening a Christian church in Iran.
What stops Iranians opening mosques in America: nothing.
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Old 12-23-2008, 10:54 AM
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Originally Posted by LineArrayNut
Would you rather live in Iran or USA? Why do many Iranians want to come to USA and no Americans want to go to Iran?
Seriously, I know that they're Aryans, why do you think I clarified it, lol?
No use *****-footing about with it, the content is clear: context matters. America>Iran.
Why? Islam.
Try opening a Christian church in Iran.
What stops Iranians opening mosques in America: nothing.
Huh??!! I guess we know how you feel now. I wasn't commenting on all this or defending Iran, just saying that they are Aryans and that I have met many I know and like and others I don't like. I don't dislike people because they are Muslims and most I have known don't hate me because I'm not.
The fact is that "we" (meaning the OSS and CIA, which are merely dirty tricks fronts for banks and corporations) have been meddling in the affairs of Iran and other Middle Eastern (and all countries in the world, really) for decades. In 1954 we overthrew their secular, democratically elected head of state Mohammed Mossedeq and allowed the Shah to install a PM more to his (and his banker masters) liking while holding Mossedeq under house arrest.
"We" (even though you and I have done nothing) have been installing puppets of the bankers and oil companies all over the world for a long, long time. Whether you agree or not, they have lots of reasons to hate us, or at least what they perceive as us, besides the fact that they're Muslims (not all are) and "we" are Christians.
Blind hatred and fear of Muslims is another fabrication of these "intelligence" agencies to grease the skids for their favored war du jour.
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Old 12-23-2008, 11:13 AM
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you're starting to sound like that 9/11 guy...
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Old 12-23-2008, 02:03 PM
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Old 12-23-2008, 02:32 PM
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Originally Posted by killer5280
Blind hatred and fear of Muslims is another fabrication of these "intelligence" agencies to grease the skids for their favored war du jour.
I could be wrong on this one...

You've never been blown up or shot by a Muslim, have you?
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Old 12-23-2008, 02:50 PM
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Originally Posted by drew_c14
I could be wrong on this one...

You've never been blown up or shot by a Muslim, have you?
While I respect you for being doing a duty to your country (I have for mine...) I can honestly say that it doesn't make one damned bit of difference what faith or skin color the one holding the gun has... If they shoot at you they are hostile and hostiles gets taken out... That has nothing to do with being muslim...

The percentage of morons seems to be about the same amongst muslims as it is amongst christians... The same goes for iraqi, irani, americans and swedish...

Also I'm pretty sure that if being shot at, you can't tell the faith of the one shooting... The odds of the shooter being muslim is higher in Iran/Iraq... but it's entirely possible that the shooter is christian...

Last edited by Tweety; 12-23-2008 at 02:53 PM.
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Old 12-23-2008, 03:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Tweety
The percentage of morons seems to be about the same amongst muslims as it is amongst christians... The same goes for iraqi, irani, americans and swedish...
I will agree with that. But the ones I am talking about are morons because of their religion. However misguided and away from the mainstream they are, radical Islam is just that, Islam.

Not saying that other religions don't have their fare share of bad things. Christians are by no means perfect historically. I think though that I would have a fundamental problem with Islam regardless of any interactions I have had. The whole thing just seems wrong to me, but it may just depend on viewpoint.
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Old 12-23-2008, 03:53 PM
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Finally a thread to enjoy

"We" are not all Christians, and its debatable if more blood has been spilled in the name of Christ or Allah. Now if you are including all Aryans, the German's have everyone beat. Whether "we" know it or not, "we" are just getting into another 100 years war, Ok, maybe 50. Theres no going back. Whats done is done. Hopefully Obama can put a better face on for the western world but the asian (maybe the largest group), near east, middle eastern and ex-soviet muslim populations don't differentiate. Being at the mercy of the oil rich muslims is insanity, as their stability is shaky and probably short term. The Israelis have known this forever, and now just build walls rather than try to deal with the muslims. They've tried too many times only to have it come to naught. Israel is a pawn but countries like Iran, Syria, Lybia, Lebenon, Saudia Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Somolia and Iraq will not rest until Israel is destroyed, the Iranians are just more upfront about it. The USA is the great satin and unfortunately is going to keep paying for past misdeeds. Europe in general is ambivalent. France is one of the most anti-jewish countries in the western world.

Just remember, we must support Israel for more than just their ideals. If they go, so does the world because they have the bomb and will use it if faced with anialation. Can you blame them? What religion/race has been screwed over worset or longer. And if they do use the bomb, so goes the middle east and then the world. Maybe we should look for beach front property in Austrailia; unless the trade winds blow the fallout down there first.

Last edited by skokievtr; 12-23-2008 at 03:57 PM.
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Old 12-23-2008, 05:00 PM
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Old 12-23-2008, 09:05 PM
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Shizzy, the popcorn emoticon is appropriate. I'll take the bait and say that I don't think we should blindly support any country, especially one that has been caught spying on the US many times and in 1967 assaulted the USS Liberty for several hours, killing 34 US sailors and wounding more than a hundred others. With "friends" like Israel, who needs enemies?

Carl Cameron's suppressed 4 part series on Israeli spy rings in the US

USS Liberty

Israeli Espionage Against the US


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Old 12-23-2008, 09:10 PM
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call me justin.
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Old 12-23-2008, 09:50 PM
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If we shared info like our agreements required they would not need to. And how many spys & satellites do we have in & over Israel? And who saved our bacon taking out the Iraqi reactor for us? Warned Reagan about going into Lebanon, trained our special forces, and still backed us up while we armed the Iraqis over the Iranians? And of all the other spys caught, only a Jew still rots in in a US jail. You can hash up the Liberty incident with one-sided 20-20 hindsite anti-jewish propaganda but the Israelis made restitution and never formally have said anything about Roosevelt and his blatently anti-jewish cabinet refusing to bomb the railways leading to the death camps in WW2. When the Scuds were raining down on Israel, they kept their planes on the ground so as not to embaras us, all the while our touted Raythion Patriot missles did not knock down one Scud. We have no better friends, and if you think we do, you are sadly mistaken. Your retoric reminds me of the jingoist, isolationists before WW2. Typical Amerikan.

Originally Posted by killer5280
Shizzy, the popcorn emoticon is appropriate. I'll take the bait and say that I don't think we should blindly support any country, especially one that has been caught spying on the US many times and in 1967 assaulted the USS Liberty for several hours, killing 34 US sailors and wounding more than a hundred others. With "friends" like Israel, who needs enemies?

Carl Cameron's suppressed 4 part series on Israeli spy rings in the US

USS Liberty

Israeli Espionage Against the US


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Old 12-23-2008, 10:10 PM
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A lot of name calling there, but not much substance, Skokie. Even if all the stuff you say is true, which it's not, it neither justifies nor excuses Israel's transgressions against us. Sorry about that.
By the way, isolationist is just about the most dishonest term I can think of and certainly doesn't describe me or my beliefs. We shouldn't blindly support any country over another, and we shouldn't meddle in their affairs as we should expect them to stay out of ours.

Last edited by killer5280; 12-23-2008 at 10:15 PM.
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Old 12-23-2008, 10:21 PM
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Also, one doesn't need 20-20 hindsight regarding the Liberty incident. Their (Israel's) pilots admitted they knew they were attacking a US ship and initially balked at firing on it until they were threatened with disciplinary actions. Additionally, when some of our sailors tried to abandon the Liberty aboard the lifeboats, they were fired on, which is certainly a violation of law and pretty cold blooded.
You believe what you like about the Liberty. I believe the stories of the Liberty crew.

Last edited by killer5280; 12-23-2008 at 10:24 PM.
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Old 12-23-2008, 11:01 PM
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Originally Posted by killer5280
A lot of name calling there, but not much substance, Skokie. Even if all the stuff you say is true, which it's not, it neither justifies nor excuses Israel's transgressions against us. Sorry about that.
By the way, isolationist is just about the most dishonest term I can think of and certainly doesn't describe me or my beliefs. We shouldn't blindly support any country over another, and we shouldn't meddle in their affairs as we should expect them to stay out of ours.
Are u joking, name calling? What transgressions? The Liberty incident? The world said nothing when Nasser backed by the Russians (big anti-jews) rattled their missles in 1956 and 1967. The French (with their Lebonese and Algerian ties) refused to deliver the patrols boats israel paid for after 67 so the israelis went and took them. When the plane was hijacked and landed in Entebe, the world was silent. Then played lip-service after the masacure at the Munich olympics. How about Eisenhower making Israel pull back from the Suez Canal in 1956 and the CIA not telling the Israelis they knew Sadat was going to attack 2 weeks before in 1973 on the jews holiest day! You ignore history and are bound to repeat the mistakes made. You hide your racist anti-jew self behind a smug veneer. Under the same circumstances using our borders with Mexico and Canada as examples, we would have nuked them compared to what Israels have done with the Lebonese, Syrians & "Palistinians".

The Israelis learned quickly to rely on no one but themselves starting with the Brits after WW2 when they refused to let the DPs in after even though no other country including the US would take them. During the war a ship full of jews was refused at every port and then hit a sea mine and sank. The Brits armed and trained the Jordanians and gave them all there planes and tanks when they pulled out and again, the world said nothing. When 7 arab/muslim countries attacked Israel in 1948, no one lifted a finger and would not even sell the israelis food and medical supplies. How many examples do you need?

Last edited by skokievtr; 12-23-2008 at 11:04 PM.
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Old 12-24-2008, 03:48 AM
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Wait, I missed something, who are the Aryans? The Germans thought that the Nordics were the true Aryan Race.
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Old 12-24-2008, 05:40 AM
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Originally Posted by skokievtr
Are u joking, name calling? What transgressions? The Liberty incident? The world said nothing when Nasser backed by the Russians (big anti-jews) rattled their missles in 1956 and 1967. The French (with their Lebonese and Algerian ties) refused to deliver the patrols boats israel paid for after 67 so the israelis went and took them. When the plane was hijacked and landed in Entebe, the world was silent. Then played lip-service after the masacure at the Munich olympics. How about Eisenhower making Israel pull back from the Suez Canal in 1956 and the CIA not telling the Israelis they knew Sadat was going to attack 2 weeks before in 1973 on the jews holiest day! You ignore history and are bound to repeat the mistakes made. You hide your racist anti-jew self behind a smug veneer. Under the same circumstances using our borders with Mexico and Canada as examples, we would have nuked them compared to what Israels have done with the Lebonese, Syrians & "Palistinians".

The Israelis learned quickly to rely on no one but themselves starting with the Brits after WW2 when they refused to let the DPs in after even though no other country including the US would take them. During the war a ship full of jews was refused at every port and then hit a sea mine and sank. The Brits armed and trained the Jordanians and gave them all there planes and tanks when they pulled out and again, the world said nothing. When 7 arab/muslim countries attacked Israel in 1948, no one lifted a finger and would not even sell the israelis food and medical supplies. How many examples do you need?
If someone is more concerned about the security of America's borders than the borders of Israel, do you think it might be because they are an American and not an Israeli? Just a thought. Do you know any Israelis who lie awake at night worrying about America's borders?

Seriously, I'm glad America supports Israel financially, militarily and politically to the extent it does because the two countries share interests, values and enemies. And because most Americans have a certain empathy for Israel and the position it is in.

But not because America owes Israel (or any other country) anything whatsoever. You seem to think otherwise and have a long list of complaints.

What if anything do you think Israel owes the rest of the world and the other peoples in it? Did Israel offer to rescue/grant asylum to any of the 2 million slaughtered in Pol Pot's killing fields? What about 800k to one million hacked to death in Rwanda? The 400 thousand and counting in the ongoing Darfur genocide?

Be absolutely clear;

I'm not saying Israel was obligated to do a damn thing about any of it. I just get sick of the double standard and the anti-American sanctimonious bullshit.

Riddle me this;

How is it that a Jew who believes the sole purpose of Israel is to serve Jews (that is what I believe) is a patriot, but an American who believes the Amercan nation exists to serve Americans is an "isolationist" and a "bigot"?
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Old 12-24-2008, 07:25 AM
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Merry Christmas! "God BLess us, Everyone!".....wrong thread?
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Old 12-24-2008, 07:37 AM
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I love how these threads get twisted and turned.
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Old 12-24-2008, 07:43 AM
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Originally Posted by skokievtr
... and its debatable if more blood has been spilled in the name of Christ or Allah
I think that christ wins that one, Hands down.
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Old 12-24-2008, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by skokievtr
Are u joking, name calling? What transgressions? The Liberty incident? The world said nothing when Nasser backed by the Russians (big anti-jews) rattled their missles in 1956 and 1967. The French (with their Lebonese and Algerian ties) refused to deliver the patrols boats israel paid for after 67 so the israelis went and took them. When the plane was hijacked and landed in Entebe, the world was silent. Then played lip-service after the masacure at the Munich olympics. How about Eisenhower making Israel pull back from the Suez Canal in 1956 and the CIA not telling the Israelis they knew Sadat was going to attack 2 weeks before in 1973 on the jews holiest day! You ignore history and are bound to repeat the mistakes made. You hide your racist anti-jew self behind a smug veneer. Under the same circumstances using our borders with Mexico and Canada as examples, we would have nuked them compared to what Israels have done with the Lebonese, Syrians & "Palistinians".

The Israelis learned quickly to rely on no one but themselves starting with the Brits after WW2 when they refused to let the DPs in after even though no other country including the US would take them. During the war a ship full of jews was refused at every port and then hit a sea mine and sank. The Brits armed and trained the Jordanians and gave them all there planes and tanks when they pulled out and again, the world said nothing. When 7 arab/muslim countries attacked Israel in 1948, no one lifted a finger and would not even sell the israelis food and medical supplies. How many examples do you need?
Again with the name calling and use of the "jew" card. This is what happens to anyone who has the audacity to criticize Israel. I said in an earlier post that I don't hate anyone because of their race or ethnicity, and that goes for religion, too. I don't hate anyone, be they Black, Arab, Muslim, Jew, etc. simply because they are what they are.
The rest of your points are red herrings and are not relevant to the discussion of the USS Liberty and Israeli spying on the US.

Jews Not Zionists.org

Last edited by killer5280; 12-24-2008 at 09:25 AM.
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Old 12-24-2008, 09:44 AM
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Past is gone, times change. Have another drink, be happy you are here. Go for a ride and smile you grumpy terds.
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Old 12-24-2008, 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by krcrawford29
Past is gone, times change. Have another drink, be happy you are here. Go for a ride and smile you grumpy terds.
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Old 12-24-2008, 12:00 PM
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Originally Posted by RPV-Hawk
+1 Sheez can we all just no get along.

I am headed to look at something motorcycle related..........
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Old 12-24-2008, 12:38 PM
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keep on keepin' on defending islam libbies:

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Old 12-24-2008, 03:51 PM
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Still enjoying this

as I was getting tired of the same old posts that can usually be answered with a good search.

As far as Israel being there only for jews, thats just not true. Whereas Israel is a lifeboat for jews and from the beginning took in jews after the holocaust and arab countries (who were treated as second class citizens for many years unfortunately), they also support an indiginous arab population.

But for a country of its tiny size, population and resources, in addition to selling equipment and training other country's armys, they also have a broadreaching humanitarian program throughout Africa, east asia, and south america. They train doctors and treat illnesses, provide agricultural training, irrigation and civil engineering (roads and bridges). They fly sick patients to their hospitals and support health systems and hospitals all over the world.

One crazy thing they do at their hospitals, which must be protected from terrorist threats, is not only treat the victims of the attacks but also the few surviving terrorist attackers!

It is in the US's best interest to support Israel because they are a bastion of democracy and sanity. The israelis provide us logistal support, bases, military intelligence (sometimes an oxymoron) and safehaven. I don't care about emotional rationale as why we should support them. It just makes sense politically, militarily and in the global economics.

BTW, the israelis are trying to develop an electric car system that could become a model for the world. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/10/op...0friedman.html

Originally Posted by RK1
If someone is more concerned about the security of America's borders than the borders of Israel, do you think it might be because they are an American and not an Israeli? Just a thought. Do you know any Israelis who lie awake at night worrying about America's borders?

Seriously, I'm glad America supports Israel financially, militarily and politically to the extent it does because the two countries share interests, values and enemies. And because most Americans have a certain empathy for Israel and the position it is in.

But not because America owes Israel (or any other country) anything whatsoever. You seem to think otherwise and have a long list of complaints.

What if anything do you think Israel owes the rest of the world and the other peoples in it? Did Israel offer to rescue/grant asylum to any of the 2 million slaughtered in Pol Pot's killing fields? What about 800k to one million hacked to death in Rwanda? The 400 thousand and counting in the ongoing Darfur genocide?

Be absolutely clear;

I'm not saying Israel was obligated to do a damn thing about any of it. I just get sick of the double standard and the anti-American sanctimonious bullshit.

Riddle me this;

How is it that a Jew who believes the sole purpose of Israel is to serve Jews (that is what I believe) is a patriot, but an American who believes the Amercan nation exists to serve Americans is an "isolationist" and a "bigot"?
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